Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture
Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Agricultura y la Alimentación

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1945-10-16 Québec QC Canada


Constitution signed in 1945 by 44 countries. Absorbed H-XH2139 - International Institute of Agriculture, set up as an intergovernmental organization on 7 Jun 1905, and H-XH1801 - International Emergency Food Council, set up 1946. As a Specialized Agency of the A-XA3375 - United Nations (UN) within F-XF1000 - United Nations System, reports annually to E-XE3377 - ECOSOC.


Contribute towards an expanding world economy and ensure humanity's freedom from hunger by: raising the level of nutrition and living standards of people in member countries; securing improvement in the efficiency of production and distribution of all food and agricultural products; bettering the living conditions of rural populations.


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Significant restructuring from 1994 onwards has decentralized operations and streamlined procedures.

I. /Governing Bodies/:

'Conference', meets in odd-numbered years, comprising all Members and Associate Members, and includes Chairperson and Secretary-General. 'Council', normally holding at least 5 session in a biennium, and containing 49 Member Nations. K-XK0546 - Committee on World Food Security (CFS). 'Regional Conferences': Africa (ARC); Asia and the Pacific (APRC); Europe (ERC); Latin America and the Caribbean (LARC); Near East (NERC). 'Council Committees' (3): Programme; Finance; Constitutional and Legal Matters. 'Technical Committees' (4): Agriculture (COAG); Commodity Problems (CCP); Fisheries (COFI); Forestry (COFO).

II. /Statutory Bodies/ - by subject matter:

III. /Regional Offices/ (5):

IV. /Director-General/ heads Offices, Departments and Divisions. Departments (6): Agriculture and Consumer Protection; Economic and Social Development; Fisheries and Aquaculture; Forestry; Corporate Services; Human Resources and Finance; Technical Cooperation. Programmes/projects functioning in the above departments include:

F-XF4072 - FAO GLOBEFISH; E-XE0361 - FAO Investment Centre.


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Relations with Inter-Governmental Organizations

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Relations with Non-Governmental Organizations

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Type I Classification

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Type II Classification

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Subjects *

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UN Sustainable Development Goals **

GOAL 1: No PovertyGOAL 2: Zero HungerGOAL 3: Good Health and Well-beingGOAL 4: Quality EducationGOAL 5: Gender EqualityGOAL 6: Clean Water and SanitationGOAL 7: Affordable and Clean EnergyGOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic GrowthGOAL 9: Industry, Innovation and InfrastructureGOAL 10: Reduced InequalityGOAL 11: Sustainable Cities and CommunitiesGOAL 12: Responsible Consumption and ProductionGOAL 13: Climate ActionGOAL 14: Life Below WaterGOAL 15: Life on LandGOAL 16: Peace and Justice Strong InstitutionsGOAL 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal



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* Subject classification is derived from the organization names and aims.
** UN SDGs are linked to the subject classification.

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