Health Care
Second Level Subjects
Exercise, Rest
WHO Bodies
Mental Health
Medical Supplies
Naturopathy, Holistic Medicine
Health Workers
Blind, Visually Impaired
Birth Control
Organizations relating to Health Care
International Association for Communication in Healthcare / Salisbury, UK / Est. 2001
Groupe européen d'expertise en épidémiologie pratique / Paris, France / Est. 1987
SEED Institute / Singapore, Singapore / Est. 1989
Global Partnership for Results-Based Approaches / Washington DC, USA / Est. 2003
SEAMEO Regional Centre for Early Childhood Care Education and Parenting / Bandung, Indonesia / Est. 2017
International Institute for the Pastoral Theology of Health Care / Rome, Italy / Est. 1987
European Forum of Medical Associations and WHO / Ramat Gan, Israel / Est. 1991
European Critical Care Foundation / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 2009
International Forum for Acute Care Trialists / Est. 2008
Nordic Research Network for Safety and Quality in Healthcare / Est. 2008
World Mercy Fund / Waterford VA, USA / Est. 1969
International Federation of Aromatherapists / London, UK / Est. 1985
Hesperian Health Guides / Berkeley CA, USA / Est. 1973
Seva Foundation / Berkeley CA, USA / Est. 1978
AAALAC International / Frederick MD, USA / Est. 1965
Fondation médicale de l'Université catholique de Louvain en Afrique centrale / Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium / Est. 1926
World Foundation for Medical Studies in Female Health / Port Washington NY, USA / Est. 1955
Americares Foundation / Stamford CT, USA / Est. 1982
International Society of Nurses in Genetics / Pittsburgh PA, USA / Est. 1988
German Institute for Medical Mission / Tübingen, Germany / Est. 1906
Family Care Foundation / Spring Valley CA, USA / Est. 1997
Picker Institute Europe / Oxford, UK / Est. 1998
Rural Development Foundation Global / London, UK / Est. 2006
Self-Care Initiative Europe / Copenhagen, Denmark
European Science-Industry Consortium for Biomaterials and Health Care
World Healthcare Forum Foundation / The Hague, Netherlands / Est. 2012
Divers Alert Network Asia-Pacific / Ashburton VIC, Australia / Est. 1994
PharmAccess Foundation / Amsterdam, Netherlands / Est. 2001
Animal Medical Care Foundation / Dongen, Netherlands
Institute of Healthcare Engineering and Estate Management / Portsmouth, UK / Est. 1944
Blood Care Foundation / Le Vaud, Switzerland / Est. 1991
International Association of Eating Disorders Professionals / Pekin IL, USA / Est. 1985
UNFCU Foundation / New York NY, USA / Est. 2015
Ljubljana Charter on Reforming Health Care in Europe / Est. 1996
Convention Concerning Medical Care and Sickness Benefits / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 1969
European Agreement Concerning the Provision of Medical Care to Persons During Temporary Residence / Est. 1980
Convention Concerning Health Protection and Medical Care for Seafarer / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 1987
Medico International - Aid in Developing Countries / Le Havre, France / Est. 1968
Institute for Global Health, San Francisco CA / San Francisco CA, USA / Est. 1999
European Association of Diabetes Educators / Est. 1986
Nordic Center for Sustainable Healthcare / Malmö, Sweden / Est. 2015
International Self-Care Foundation
Partnership for Quality Medical Donations / Annapolis MD, USA / Est. 1996
International Conference of Long Term Care Directors and Administrators
International Research Network on Transitions to Adulthood from Care
Neurosciences in Intensive Care International Symposium / Est. 2017
International Forum for Back and Neck Pain Research in Primary Care / Est. 1995
Healthcare Clowning International Meeting / Est. 2016
International Congress on Whole Person Care
Scandinavian Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine / Helsinki, Finland / Est. 1950
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World Problems relating to Health Care
From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human PotentialWater pollution by pharmaceuticals
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