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Psychiatry is the medical specialty devoted to the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of deleterious mental conditions. These include matters related to cognition, perceptions, mood, emotion, and behavior.

– syndicated content from Wikipedia

Organizations relating to Psychiatry

Association européenne de psychopathologie de l'enfant et de l'adolescent / Paris, France / Est. 1996
Arab Gulf Psychiatric Association
Asian Federation of Psychiatric Associations / Lahore, Pakistan / Est. 2005
Psychiatric Association for Eastern Europe and the Balkans / Belgrade, Serbia / Est. 2005
Nordic Collaboration Group for Research in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry / Aalborg, Denmark / Est. 1986
Institute for Psychohistory / New York NY, USA
Comité européen - droit, éthique et psychiatrie / Paris, France / Est. 1989
International Network for Philosophy and Psychiatry / Oxford, UK
European Violence in Psychiatry Research Group / Est. 1997
Fédération internationale francophone de psychiatrie / Paris, France / Est. 1989
Australasian Society for Psychophysiology / Wollongong NSW, Australia
International Association for the Coordination of Psychiatry and Psychological Methods / Est. 1950
European Association for the History of Psychiatry / Est. 1990
Caribbean Psychiatric Association / St Michael, Barbados / Est. 1967
Mediterranean Association of Psychiatry / Marseille, France / Est. 1967
International Society for the Organization of World Psychiatric Congresses / Est. 1950
Asociación Centroamericana de Psiquiatria / Managua, Nicaragua
Société internationale d'histoire de la psychiatrie et de la psychanalyse / Paris, France / Est. 1982
Indo-Australasian Psychiatry Association / Dandenong VIC, Australia / Est. 2004
International OCD Foundation / Boston MA, USA / Est. 1986
International Society for Ethical Psychology and Psychiatry / Washington DC, USA
Scandinavian Congress for Psychiatrists / Bergen, Norway
Latin American Congress on Child Psychiatry and Allied Professions
International Conference on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology
Philosophical Issues in Psychiatry
International Society of Psychiatrists
International Network for Alternatives to Psychiatry / Est. 1975
Psychiatric International Congress
International Psychosomatics Institute / Philadelphia PA, USA
IUPS Commission on Psychophysiology / Est. 1977
Working Association of Pedopsychiatrists of the Socialist Countries
International Centre of Psychophysiology / Montréal QC, Canada / Est. 1982
Nordisk Psykiatrisk Samarbetskommittén
Australasian Society for Psychiatric Research / Callaghan NSW, Australia / Est. 1978
Nordic Psychiatric Association / Est. 1935
Colloque international de psychodynamique et psychopathologie du travail
Nordic Symposium on Forensic Psychiatry / Est. 1994
International Symposium on Controversies in Psychiatry
World Association for Dynamic Psychiatry / Berlin, Germany / Est. 1980
World Association for Social Psychiatry / New Delhi, India / Est. 1964
International Academy of Legal Medicine / Padua, Italy / Est. 1938
Arab Federation of Psychiatrists / Tunis, Tunisia
Pan Arab Federation of Psychiatrists / Bahrain, Bahrain
Asian Society for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professions / Kobe, Japan / Est. 1996
International Congress on Rehabilitation in Psychiatry / Tel Aviv, Israel
William Glasser International / Chicago IL, USA
Latin American Psychiatric Association / Est. 1962
ASEAN Forum on Child and Adolescent Psychiatry / Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Association du Congrès de Psychiatrie et de Neurologie de Langue Française / Lille, France / Est. 1889
International Psychohistorical Association / Est. 1976

View all profiles (128 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations

World Problems relating to Psychiatry

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Obsessive-compulsive disorder
Compulsive spenders
Inadequacy of psychiatry
Limited psychiatric out-patient care
Occupational psychopathology
Abusive treatment of patients in psychiatric hospitals
Münchausen syndrome
Misuse of psychiatric diagnosis

Action Strategies relating to Psychiatry

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Treating drug addiction
Studying applied biofeedback
Providing psychotherapy by computer
Self-regulating psychiatric practice
Creating links among psychotherapists

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