Health Care → Naturopathy, Holistic Medicine
Organizations relating to Naturopathy, Holistic Medicine
European Federation for Naturopathy
Nordic Cooperation Committee for complementary and alternative Medicine / Sollentuna, Sweden / Est. 2000
Association européenne de méthodes médicales nouvelles / Est. 1987
International Society for Mesotherapy / Villeurbanne, France / Est. 1983
International Snoezelen Association / Berlin, Germany
Asian Allelopathy Society / Guangzhou, China / Est. 2009
Mouvement International du Parkour, Freerunning et de l'Art du Déplacement / Est. 2014
European Ayurveda Association / Pfedelbach, Germany / Est. 2006
World Academic Society of Medical Qigong / Beijing, China / Est. 1989
CAMDOC Alliance / Brussels, Belgium
Fédération mondiale de sophrologie caycédienne / Arinsal, Andorra
Falun Dafa / New York NY, USA
Reflexology in Europe Network / Amsterdam, Netherlands / Est. 1992
PROMETRA International / Dakar, Senegal
International Network for the History of Homeopathy / Stuttgart, Germany / Est. 1994
International Institute of Projectiology and Conscientiology / Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil / Est. 1988
International Society of Aesthetics and Mesotherapy / Paris, France
Medicina Alternativa International / Colombo, Sri Lanka / Est. 1962
European Federation for Complementary and Alternative Medicine / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 2001
International Shiatsu Network / Capriasca, Switzerland
International Institute of Holistic Medicine / Milwaukee WI, USA
International Association of Colon Hydrotherapy / San Antonio TX, USA / Est. 1989
International Acupuncture Institute / Kowloon, Hong Kong / Est. 1978
Open International University for Complementary Medicines / Colombo, Sri Lanka / Est. 1987
Hispano-American Association of Acupuncture / Madrid, Spain
International Society for the Study of Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine / Arvada CO, USA / Est. 1989
International Federation of Aromatherapists / London, UK / Est. 1985
Rolf Institute of Structural Integration / Boulder CO, USA / Est. 1971
International Academy of Ayurveda / Pune, India / Est. 1996
European Foundation of Traditional Chinese Medicine / Amposta, Spain
International School of Ayurveda / Barcelona, Spain
International Acupuncture Society / Kowloon, Hong Kong / Est. 1978
International Trust for Traditional Medicine / Kalimpong, India / Est. 1995
London International College of Homeopathy / London, UK
Global Natural Health Alliance / Seattle WA, USA
Asociación Iberoamericana de Educación Acuatica Especial e Hidroterapia / Est. 2014
International Federation of Anthroposophic Arts and Eurythmy Therapies
International Federation of Naturopaths
International Hahnemannian Association / Est. 1880
Société internationale d'acupuncture, / Est. 1943
European Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine / Est. 2001
Association scientifique internationale d'auriculothérapie / Est. 1973
World Union of Acupuncture Scientists and Societies / Est. 1973
International Association of Thalassotherapy / Est. 1907
Pan European Federation of TCM Societies / Amsterdam, Netherlands / Est. 2001
European Association for Apitherapy
Association mondiale de phytothérapie
Società Mediterranea di Talassologia e Talassoterapia / Milan, Italy
International Society of Sophrology
European Society for Classical Natural Medicine / Überlingen, Germany / Est. 1996
View all profiles (315 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations
World Problems relating to Naturopathy, Holistic Medicine
From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human PotentialRepudiation of complementary medicine
Ignorance of traditional herbal remedies
Disharmonies of the body
Action Strategies relating to Naturopathy, Holistic Medicine
From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human PotentialConserving global biodiversity
Educating whole person
Focusing on wholeness
Using holistic medicine
Supporting a holistic approach to forest resources planning
Using ayurvedic medicine
Healing the spirit
Using chinese medicine
Developing natural medicines
Defending homeopathy
Improving homeopathic education
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