African Regional Centre of Technology (ARCT)
Centre régional africain de technologie (CRAT)
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1977-11 Kaduna Nigeria
Available with paid subscription only.Aims
'Objectives': Contribute to the development and use of technology, stimulate awareness of technological development and strengthen technological capabilities of member States; promote the use of technology suitable for the development objectives of member States and assist in the formulation of technology policies as an integral part of planned scientific, technological and socio-economic development; encourage research and training in the methodologies of technology planning; improve, for the benefit of member States, the terms and conditions under which technology is imported; promote within member States the diffusion and dissemination of technology, encouraging the collection and use of technological information; promote cooperation among countries of the African region particularly amongst member States; assess social implications of the development, transfer, and adaptation of technology and promote the understanding of such implications.
'Functions': On request from Governments of member States or institutions of technology within such member States, assist in the establishment of national institutions for the development, transfer and adaptation of technology, and identify and supply consultants to advise on matters relating to technology; advise national institutions of members States on the choice of technology, promoting through them effective links between producers and users of technology at the national level within member States; compile and maintain registers in the field of technology of: (i) African research institutions, their programmes and achievements; (ii) institutions outside Africa which are concerned with technologies relevant to the needs of member States; (iii) available specialists in the various fields of technology within the Centre and elsewhere; organize training seminars and workshops in the field of technology; promote the exchange of technical, managerial and research personnel amongst member States; assist in training technical and managerial personnel; identify and provide information on specific opportunities for training in technology; promote and encourage as appropriate the orientation of education, training and curricula towards technological needs of member States; assist Governments of member States in identifying alternative sources of technology; assist in training of specialist personnel in: (i) unpackaging of technologies, (ii) evaluation and assessment of technology, (iii) negotiation of contracts and arrangements relating to the development, transfer and adaptation of technology, (iv) problems connected with industrial property rights; provide for member States information and documentation services, in particular in alternative technologies and alternative sources of technologies; cooperate with governmental, public or private institutions engaged in development of methods to be applied in a unified approach to development planning; sponsor, promote and encourage original research in the forecasting, assessment and planning of technology; encourage inclusion of courses in the methodology of technology planning in the education and training of development planners; assist member States in the effective use of the International Code of Conduct for the Transfer of Technology and other relevant international agreements.
1 past events available with paid subscription only.Activities
Available with paid subscription only.Structure
Available with paid subscription only.Languages
Available with paid subscription only.Staff
Available with paid subscription only.Finance
Available with paid subscription only.Relations with Inter-Governmental Organizations
Special agreement with: UNIDO; E-XE3377 - ECOSOC. Cooperation Agreement with: F-XF1721 - International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). Permanent observer status with: B-XB3635 - World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). Accredited by: E-XK1561 - United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change - Secretariat (UNFCCC). Member of: E-XJ0805 - Intergovernmental Organizations Conference (IGO Conference).
Links with:
- E-XE6038 - African Organisation for Standardisation (ARSO);
- H-XE6264 - African Regional Centre for Engineering Design and Manufacturing (ARCEDEM);
- D-XD0023 - African Regional Intellectual Property Organization (ARIPO);
- E-XE3028 - African Union Scientific Technical Research Commission (AU STRC);
- F-XD3462 - Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS);
- B-XB0971 - FAO;
- B-XB2183 - ILO;
- F-XF1393 - International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD);
- E-XE3381 - UNCTAD;
- B-XB3383 - UNESCO;
- E-XE3628 - United Nations African Institute for Economic Development and Planning.
Relations with Non-Governmental Organizations
Links with:
- E-XE2330 - Africa Regional Centre for Information Science (ARCIS);
- F-XF0929 - African Network of Scientific and Technological Institutions (ANSTI);
- F-XE1465 - Commonwealth Partnership for Technology Management (CPTM);
- G-XG3642 - Constituency for Africa (CFA);
- D-XD0006 - Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA);
- G-XG3221 - GRET;
- K-XE7063 - ICOM International Committee for Museum Security (ICMS);
- U-XG4333 - Unit for Research Production and Adapted Technological Assistance in Sahel.
Available with paid subscription only.Members
Available with paid subscription only.Type I Classification
Available with paid subscription only.Type II Classification
Available with paid subscription only.Subjects *
- Economics → Economic
- Technology → Technology
- Science → Science
- Development → Development
- Innovative change → Alternatives
UN Sustainable Development Goals **
** UN SDGs are linked to the subject classification.
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