United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM)

Fonds de développement des Nations Unies pour la femme
Fondo de Desarrollo de las Naciones Unidas para la Mujer

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Promote women's empowerment, rights and gender equality globally; support innovative and experimental activities benefiting women in line with national and regional priorities; serve as a catalyst, with the goal of ensuring the appropriate involvement of women in mainstream development activities, as often as possible at the pre-investment stage; play an innovative and catalytic role in relation to the United Nations' overall system of development cooperation.


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Relations with Inter-Governmental Organizations

Collaborates closely with: UNDP's Gender In Development office, regional bureaux and other organizational units and field offices. Continuous working relationships with other United Nations organs, in particular: United Nations Division for the Advancement of Women; E-XE4161 - UNEP; E-XE4175 - United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC); secretariat of S-XF2327 - United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED); United Nations Department of Humanitarian Affairs; UN specialized agencies and members of JCGP. Joint activities with: F-XF1393 - International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD); F-XF1721 - International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD); E-XE2639 - International Trade Centre (ITC); F-XF3380 - UNICEF. Activities associated with: F-XF4104 - United Nations Volunteers (UNV). Cooperates with: E-XE3387 - United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR). Special links with: U-XE9444 - United Nations International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women (UN-INSTRAW); E-XE7552 - United Nations Office at Vienna (UNOV); F-XF5606 - United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). Member of: H-XK1524 - Inter-Agency Task Force on Enabling Environment for Economic and Social Development; F-XF6288 - WomenWatch. Long-standing cooperation with: E-XE4174 - United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA). Member of: E-XE4205 - United Nations Sustainable Development Group (UNSDG). Supports: E-XE7655 - United Nations Non-Governmental Liaison Service (NGLS). Links with:.

Links indicated by: E-XE3001 - European Centre for Global Interdependence and Solidarity (North-South Centre); E-XF2186 - International Training Centre of the ILO (ITC); K-XE8251 - OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC); E-XE6904 - United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR); E-XE3388 - United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD); B-XB2745 - UN Tourism.

Relations with Non-Governmental Organizations

Supports access to and participation of NGOs in the United Nations; works through them to incorporate and empower women in the development process. Member of: U-XF7137 - Global Coalition on Women and AIDS (GCWA). Supports: F-XF6982 - African Women's Development Fund (AWDF); U-XJ1809 - Caribbean Institute for Women in Leadership (CIWiL); F-XJ3409 - Feminist Articulation Marcosur (FAM); F-XF1978 - International Alert; F-XF0271 - Isis Women's International Cross Cultural Exchange (ISIS-WICCE); F-XF2756 - Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA). Cooperates with: B-XB1956 - International Federation of Medical Students' Associations (IFMSA); F-XM2634 - TrustAfrica. Instrumental in setting up: U-XM1525 - Digital Diaspora Network - Latin American and Caribbean; U-XF6437 - Network of African Women Economists (NAWE). U-XE2533 - NGO Committee on UNIFEM comprises 32 international organizations based in New York NY (USA):

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Type I Classification

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Type II Classification

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Subjects *

UN Sustainable Development Goals **

GOAL 5: Gender EqualityGOAL 10: Reduced Inequality



* Subject classification is derived from the organization names and aims.
** UN SDGs are linked to the subject classification.

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