Comisión Interamericana de Mujeres (CIM)

Commission interaméricaine des femmes
Inter-American Commission of Women

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1928-02-18 Havana Cuba


Established at VI International Conference of American States, pursuant to Resolution LXI.

Became a permanent inter-governmental agency through the adoption of Resolution XXIII of VIII International Conference of American States, 1938, Lima (Peru).

Resolution XXI of IX International Conference of American States, 1948, Bogota, and Resolution XXVIII, authorized the Secretary General of OAS to organize the Permanent Secretariat of the Commission.

In Jun 1953 a formal Agreement between the Council of D-XD3030 - OAS and the Commission was signed, which recognizes the Commission as a permanent inter-American Specialized Agency.

In 1976 the XVIII Assembly of Delegates reformed the Statute which was modified again in 1986 by XXIII Assembly of Delegates and in 1988 by XXIV Assembly of Delegates.


Formulate strategies, propose solutions to bring about a new concept of the roles of men and women in the new social structure, considering them as beings of equal worth, equally responsible for the fate of humanity; analyse problems of women in the Americas; mobilize, train and organize women for effective, conscious and continuing participation in the process of planning and executing development programmes.


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Commission consists of one Principal Delegate for each member State, appointed by the respective Government; Alternates and Advisors. Delegates, with Committees of Cooperation, carry out the work of Commission in their respective countries. Executive Committee, composed of President, Vice-President and Representatives of 5 member countries, elected for 2-year terms. OAS appoints Executive Secretary and Permanent Secretariat. Assembly (biennial and special).


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Relations with Inter-Governmental Organizations

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Relations with Non-Governmental Organizations

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Type I Classification

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Type II Classification

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Subjects *

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UN Sustainable Development Goals **

GOAL 5: Gender Equality



* Subject classification is derived from the organization names and aims.
** UN SDGs are linked to the subject classification.

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