Conseil européen de l'industrie chimique (CEFIC)
European Chemical Industry Council
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The UIA is a leading provider of information about international non-profit organizations. The aim of the Open Yearbook is to promote the activities of international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs).
Contact Details
URL: https://cefic.org/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/cefic-european-chemical-industry-council/
Available with paid subscription only.Aims
Be the forum and voice of the chemical industry in Europe.
2025-10-22 | Barcelona, Spain – APIC/CEFIC Global GMP and Regulatory API Conference96 past events available with paid subscription only.
Available with paid subscription only.Structure
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Available with paid subscription only.Staff
Available with paid subscription only.Finance
Available with paid subscription only.Registrations
Available with paid subscription only.Consultative Status
Available with paid subscription only.Relations with Inter-Governmental Organizations
Other main external contacts in Europe: E-XE3068 - Council of the European Union; E-XE0669 - European Economic and Social Committee (EESC); E-XE2442 - European Commission (EC); F-XF0667 - European Parliament (EP). Other main external contacts worldwide: B-XB0971 - FAO; B-XB2183 - ILO; B-XB1505 - International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO); B-XE3386 - UNIDO; E-XE4176 - United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE); B-XB3548 - WHO. Observer to: F-XF7953 - International Oil Pollution Compensation Funds (IOPC Funds); F-XF4685 - OSPAR Commission for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North-East Atlantic (OSPAR Commission). Accredited by: E-XK1561 - United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change - Secretariat (UNFCCC). Participates as observer in the activities of: E-XE8700 - Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC). Cooperates with: E-XE2565 - European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO). Associated with Department of Global Communications of the United Nations.
Links with:
- E-XD0107 - Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission - Helsinki Commission (HELCOM);
- E-XE3246 - Committee on Environmental Policy;
- E-XE4101 - Committee of Permanent Representatives to the European Union;
- F-XD9557 - Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution;
- F-XF2419 - European Environment Agency (EEA);
- E-XE7159 - European Pharmacopoeia Commission;
- D-XD1540 - International Commission for the Protection of the Rhine (ICPR);
- E-XE3751 - International Commission of the Schelde River;
- E-XE5314 - International Energy Agency (IEA);
- B-XB2136 - International Institute for the Unification of Private Law (UNIDROIT);
- F-XF1881 - Mediterranean Action Plan (MAP);
- C-XC3023 - OECD;
- E-XE5479 - Regional Marine Pollution Emergency Response Centre for the Mediterranean Sea (REMPEC);
- E-XK1276 - Secretariat for the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer and the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer (Ozone Secretariat);
- E-XE1146 - United Nations Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods and on the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (Committee of Experts on TDG and GHS).
Relations with Non-Governmental Organizations
Liaison Organization of: D-XD0631 - Comité européen de normalisation (CEN). Associate expert of: E-XE0204 - Business and Industry Advisory Committee to the OECD (BIAC). Close links and maintains secretariat for: C-XD3129 - International Council of Chemical Associations (ICCA). Affiliate organisation: D-XD0052 - Association of Plastics Manufacturers in Europe (Plastics Europe). In liaison with technical committees of: B-XB2314 - International Organization for Standardization (ISO). Close cooperation with other representative organizations: B-XB1490 - International Chamber of Commerce (ICC). Partner of: E-XM2909 - European Partnership for Alternative Approaches to Animal Testing (EPAA). Works with: D-XJ0670 - European Chemical Regions Network (ECRN); C-XM1657 - International Chewing Gum Association (ICGA).
Sectoral related associations:
- D-XE0508 - Association européenne des métaux (EUROMETAUX);
- D-XD0606 - CEMBUREAU - The European Cement Association (CEMBUREAU);
- D-XD2872 - Confederation of European Paper Industries (Cepi);
- D-XD7480 - Cosmetics Europe - The Personal Care Association;
- E-XF1061 - European Association of Bioindustries (EuropaBio);
- E-XE6634 - European Centre for Ecotoxicology and Toxicology of Chemicals (ECETOC);
- D-XD2932 - Orgalim - Europe's Technology Industries;
- D-XD6546 - European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA);
- D-XD4671 - European Petrochemical Association, The (EPCA);
- D-XD0515 - European Steel Association (EUROFER);
- E-XE3168 - European Tyre and Rubber Manufacturers' Association (ETRMA);
- E-XE0970 - FoodDrinkEurope;
- D-XD2455 - FuelsEurope;
- D-XD4460 - Oil Companies' European Association for Environment, Health and Safety in Refining and Distribution (CONCAWE).
Also links with:
- D-XE2851 - AECC;
- D-XD4803 - Calcium Carbonate Association - Europe (CCA-Europe);
- E-XF2989 - Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS);
- C-XC2394 - Comité international des transports ferroviaires (CIT);
- U-XF3913 - European Affairs Platform (EAP);
- D-XD7172 - European Chemical Transport Association (ECTA);
- D-XE3157 - European Composites Industry Association (EuCIA);
- D-XD7859 - European Federation of Tank Cleaning Organizations (EFTCO);
- E-XE2912 - European Flavour Association (EFFA);
- E-XE3257 - European Process Safety Centre (EPSC);
- D-XD6899 - European Renewable Raw Materials Association (ERRMA);
- D-XD0672 - European Water and Wastewater Industry Association (Aqua Europa);
- D-XD0726 - Fédération européenne des fabricants d'aliments composés pour animaux (FEFAC);
- D-XD8378 - Gas Infrastructure Europe (GIE);
- E-XE4120 - Global Acetate Manufacturers Association (GAMA);
- C-XC8492 - GS1;
- F-XF0233 - HelpAge International;
- D-XD3606 - Industrial Minerals Association - Europe (IMA Europe);
- C-XC1492 - International Chamber of Shipping (ICS);
- E-XE1614 - International Confederation of Paper and Board Converters in Europe (CITPA);
- H-XE0654 - International Environmental Bureau (IEB);
- E-XE0916 - International Federation of Industrial Energy Consumers, Europe (IFIEC - Europe);
- B-XB2322 - International Organisation of Employers (IOE);
- D-XD8056 - International Tank Container Organization (ITCO);
- F-XF7188 - Network for Industrially Contaminated Land in Europe (NICOLE);
- F-XF0436 - Oil Companies International Marine Forum (OCIMF);
- U-XF4860 - Université européenne de l'environnement (UEE).
Links indicated by: E-XJ8754 - A.SPIRE; E-XD0241 - Central Commission for the Navigation of the Rhine (CCNR); E-XE4122 - European Solvents Industry Group (ESIG); D-XD6216 - Federation of European Tank Storage Associations (FETSA).
- Member of: Alliance for a Competitive European Industry (ACEI)
- Member of: Alliance for Chemical Sciences and Technologies in Europe (AllChemE)
- Member of: Alliance for Chemical Sciences and Technologies in Europe (AllChemE)
- Member of: Circular Plastics Alliance
- Member of: Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy (Covenant of Mayors)(Associate)
- Member of: European Energy Forum (EEF)(Associate)
- Member of: European Factories of the Future Research Association (EFFRA)
- Member of: European Policy Centre (EPC)
- Member of: European Shippers' Council (ESC)
- Member of: European Technology Platform ALICE (ALICE)
- Member of: European Technology Platform for Sustainable Chemistry (SusChem)(Founding)
- Member of: EU Specialty Food Ingredients
- Member of: Federation of European and International Associations Established in Belgium (FAIB)
- Member of: Industry4Europe
- Member of: Knowledge4Innovation (K4I)
Available with paid subscription only.Members
Available with paid subscription only.Type I Classification
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Available with paid subscription only.Subjects *
UN Sustainable Development Goals **
** UN SDGs are linked to the subject classification.
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