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19th of April 2022
The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization UNESCO has designated Salpausselkä Geopark as a Global Geopark. The designation recognizes sites and landscapes of international geological significance and the designated territories form a global network of sustainable travel destinations with outstanding geological features. 

19th of April 2022
Associate Professor Katri Lindfors from the Faculty of Medicine and Health Technology has been named the new Tampere Congress Ambassador. 

Associate professor Katri Lindfors has been in the organizing committee of numerous Tampere Celiac Disease symposia, and she is a board member in the International Society for the Study of Celiac Disease (ISSCD).

19th of April 2022
Academy Professor Tapio Salmi and his colleagues at Åbo Akademi’s Laboratory of Industrial Chemistry and Reaction Engineering believe that international scientific conferences are an effective way to share the latest research data, while also being an inspiring way to get young researchers involved in the best international networks early on in their careers.

18th of April 2022

“It’s only Busan to make it happen.”

Busan, a maritime city that boasts MICE!

12th of April 2022

European Association Summit 2022

Brussels & Online, 3-4-5 May 2022

Come and join us in Brussels, the world’s leading capital for international associations, to be inspired, connected and empowered to be even better - together.

12th of April 2022

European Association Summit 2022

Brussels & Online, 3-4-5 May 2022

Come and join us in Brussels, the world’s leading capital for international associations, to be inspired, connected and empowered to be even better - together.

31st of March 2022

Call for partnership for the fifth celebration of the International Day of Living Together in Peace (IDLTP) on 16 May  2022

A very simple and free partnership, which enhances your association!                                                                                                                                       

30th of March 2022

VISITFLANDERS Convention Bureau, the official convention bureau of Flanders, publishes beautifully illustrated e-books packed with inspiration and insights on numerous conference topics.


9th of March 2022

Nordisk Leitourgia annual conference 2022 will take place in Finland, November 1-4. The main theme of the conference is "The East Meets the West". 

More precise information concerning location and keynotes will be announced during the spring 2022. All information concerning the conference can be found on the webpages of Leitourgia: 

18th of February 2022

Busan Metropolitan City and Busan Tourism Organization selected new venues through document screening (1st) and on-site inspection (2nd)


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