Active Membership

UIA Active Members are individuals who have an interest in international organizations and in the work of the UIA, and who have contributed significantly and over a long period to the international organization community. As trustees they further the interests of the UIA each in his or her own sphere of activity.

UIA asks that its Active Members

  • Promote the work of the UIA in their professional networks and fields;
  • Contribute to the work of the UIA where and as its needs and their knowledge and skills match;
  • Stay informed of UIA’s activities by reading the Secretariat’s quarterly and annual reports;
  • Participate in the General Assembly (held every two years in Brussels) either in person or by proxy.

There are no fees involved. UIA Active Membership is an honorary and – we trust – honorable position.

In return, UIA offers

Current UIA Active Members

The UIA's Active Members include diplomats, international civil servants, association executives, professors of international relations and directors of foundations.

Nighat Amin
Dragana Avramov
Silvina Bakardzhieva
Hemant Batra
Michel Bauwens
Elizabeth Bloodgood
Michael Boddington
Marc Bontemps
Sheila Bordier
Marcus Bussey
Tim Casswell
Chris Champion
Inga Clausen
Robert Cliquet
Alessandro Cortese
César de la Cruz
Bas de Leeuw
Jacques de Mévius
Dianne Dillon-Ridgley
Esperanza Duran
Peter Ellyard
Denise Farrar
Thierry Gaudin
Jerome Glenn
Arundhuti Gupta
Iain Hay
Seya Immonen
Declan Kennedy
Ashok Khosla
E Rak Kim
Peter Koenig
Daniel Laqua
Andras Laszlo
Jennifer La Trobe
Michel Loots
Marc Luyckx
Roland Mayerl
Nadia McLaren
Marilyn Mehlmann
Chloé Menhinick
Bernard Miche
Yves Moreau
Brigitte Motte
Bob Munro
Sarah Hager
Christoph Raudonat
Thiyagu Nagaraj
Carlos Olabe Jauregui
Balgis Osman-Elasha
Turkia Ould Daddah
W Boyd Rayward
Rolf Reinhardt
Donna Reitano
Cyril Ritchie
Molly Anne Ruhlman
Acarya Shambhushivananda Avadhuta
Christina Sleszynska
Paul Sommerfeld
Jacqueline Staniforth
Komchalee Tantimongkonsakul
Vikas Tembhare
Kai Troll
Turan Ünak
Manfredi Valeriani
Simone Van Beek
Michel Vermote
Danièle Vranken
Judy Wickens
Barrie Williams
Marisha Wojciechowska-Shibuya
Johann Wolfschwenger
Patrick Worms