

Solidarity or solidarism is an awareness of shared interests, objectives, standards, and sympathies creating a psychological sense of unity of groups or classes. Solidarity does not reject individuals and sees individuals as the basis of society. It refers to the ties in a society that bind people together as one. The term is generally employed in sociology and the other social sciences, as well as in philosophy and bioethics. It is a significant concept in Catholic social teaching and in Christian democratic political ideology. Although closely related to the concept of charity, solidarity aspires to change whole systems, not merely to help individuals.

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Organizations relating to Solidarity

World Historic and Cultural Canal Cities Cooperation Organization / Yangzhou, China / Est. 2009
Sistema de Cooperación entre las Fuerzas Aéreas Americanas / Tucson AZ, USA / Est. 1961
Euro-Asian Cooperation of National Metrological Institutions / Minsk, Belarus / Est. 1991
South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation / Kathmandu, Nepal / Est. 1985
Aquapol / Est. 2002
Asian Solidarity Economy Coalition / Quezon City, Philippines / Est. 2011
Asia Pacific Accreditation Cooperation / Sydney NSW, Australia / Est. 2019
Latin America in Solidarity Action / Panama, Panama
Nordic Collaboration Group for Research in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry / Aalborg, Denmark / Est. 1986
Comité monétaire de la Zone franc / Paris, France / Est. 1952
Council of Non-Governmental Organizations for Development Support / Dakar, Senegal / Est. 1982
Collaborative Partnership on Forests / New York NY, USA / Est. 1995
Asia Pacific Solidarity Coalition / Davao, Philippines / Est. 2005
FAO-ICARDA International Technical Cooperation Network on Cactus / Santiago, Chile / Est. 1993
Intermediterranean Commission / Rennes, France / Est. 1990
Inter-American Agency for Cooperation and Development / Washington DC, USA / Est. 1999
Standing Committee for Economic and Commercial Cooperation / Ankara, Türkiye / Est. 1981
Solidarité européenne, Luxembourg
International Committee Buchenwald Dora and Commandos / Montreuil, France / Est. 1952
International Cooperation on Harmonization of Technical Requirements for the Registration of Veterinary Medicinal Products / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1996
Estudio Colaborativo Latino Americano de Malformaciones Congénitas / Buenos Aires, Argentina / Est. 1967
Committee of Central Bank Governors in the Southern African Development Community / Pretoria, South Africa / Est. 1995
Central American Economic Cooperation Committee / Mexico City, Mexico / Est. 1952
Collaborative Intergovernmental Scientific Research Institute / Novara, Italy / Est. 2000
Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States/Competitive Business Unit / Roseau, Dominica / Est. 1997
Euro-Atlantic Disaster Response Unit / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1998
Black Sea Economic Cooperation Centre for the Exchange of Statistical Data and Economic Information / Istanbul, Türkiye / Est. 1993
International Partnership for Energy Efficiency Cooperation / Paris, France / Est. 2009
Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation / Manila, Philippines
Global Water Solidarity / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 2012
United Nations Collaborative Programme on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Developing Countries / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 2008
Eastern Partnership / Est. 2009
United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation / New York NY, USA / Est. 1974
Asia Cooperation Dialogue / Kuwait, Kuwait / Est. 2002
United Nations Fund for International Partnerships / New York NY, USA / Est. 1998
Union for the Mediterranean / Barcelona, Spain / Est. 1995
Red Operativa de Cooperación Regional de Autoridades Maritimas de Sudamérica, México, Panama y Cuba / Rio de Janeiro, Brazil / Est. 1983
Mekong-Ganga Cooperation Scheme / Delhi, India / Est. 2000
International Patent Cooperation Union / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 1978
Nordic Atlantic Cooperation / Thórshavn, Faeroe Is
Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe / Vienna, Austria / Est. 1975
Islamic Solidarity Fund / Jeddah, Saudi Arabia / Est. 1974
Dialogue and Cooperation / Paris, France / Est. 1965
Inter-American Accreditation Cooperation / Mexico City, Mexico / Est. 1996
Pro Communicatio Nordica / Finspång, Sweden
Nationless Worldwide Association / Paris, France / Est. 1921
Five Power Defence Arrangements / Est. 1971
Fondazione Marista per la Solidarietà Internazionale Onlus / Rome, Italy / Est. 2007
World Solidarity Fund / Est. 2003
Cooperation Process in the Western Mediterranean / Est. 1990

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