Global Civil Society & the UN Sustainable Development Goals

Goal 17: Revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development

Partnerships for the Goal

Goal 17 is about revitalizing the global partnership for sustainable development. The 2030 Agenda is universal and calls for action by all countries – developed and developing – to ensure no one is left behind. It requires partnerships between governments, the private sector, and civil society.

The Sustainable Development Goals can only be realized with a strong commitment to global partnership and cooperation to ensure no one is left behind in our journey to development.

However, not all countries are setting off from the same start line, and low and middle income countries are facing a tidal wave of debt which they are treading water.

Developing countries are grappling with an unprecedented rise in external debt levels following the COVID-19 pandemic, compounded by challenges such as record inflation, escalating interest rates, competing priorities and constrained fiscal capacity, underscoring the urgent need for debt relief and financial assistance.

While official development assistance (ODA) flows continue to reach record peaks, the increase in 2022 is primarily attributed to spending on refugees in donor countries and aid to Ukraine.

To be successful, everyone will need to mobilize both existing and additional resources, and developed countries will need to fulfill their official development assistance commitments.

Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II

WEC International

WEC 1913 Coventry UK F v


2008 Brussels Belgium F

Wellspring International Outreach

WIO 2008 N


1990 Braunschweig Germany F

Welsh Centre for International Affairs

WCIA 1973 Cardiff UK G


WFD 1959 Berlin Germany G

Weltnotwerk der KAB

Cologne Germany G

West African NGO Network

WANGONeT Lagos Nigeria G

West India Committee

WIC 1735 London UK F v

Wheat Initiative

2001 Berlin Germany E

White Helmets

1995 Buenos Aires Argentina F g

WHO Global Network for Age-friendly Cities and Communities

GNAFCC 2010 Geneva Switzerland F y


1985 Brussels Belgium F y

Wildlife Conservation Society

WCS 1895 New York NY USA G

Williamsburg Meetings

1971 S c


1998 Sao Paulo Brazil F y

Wings of Hope

WoH 1963 St Louis MO USA G

Women for Peace, Sweden

WFP 1979 Stockholm Sweden G

Women for Water Partnership

WfWP 2004 The Hague Netherlands F

Women Human Rights Defenders International Coalition

WHRD Culemborg Netherlands F

Women's International News Gathering Service

WINGS 1986 Denman Is BC Canada G

Women's Learning Partnership for Rights, Development and Peace

WLP 1999 Bethesda MD USA F

Women's Voices Now

WVN 2010 Rolling Hills Estates CA USA G

Women's World Summit Foundation

WWSF 1991 Geneva Switzerland F f

Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars

WWICS 1968 Washington DC USA G

Working Community of the Danube Regions

1990 St Pölten Austria F g

Working Community of the Pyrenees

1983 Toulouse France E

World Academy of Art and Science

WAAS 1960 Puducherry India B v

World Accord

1980 Ottawa ON Canada G

World Affairs Councils of America

WACA Washington DC USA G

World Affairs Institute

Washington DC USA G j

World Agroforestry Centre

ICRAF 1977 Nairobi Kenya E

World Alliance of Young Men's Christian Associations

YMCA 1855 Vernier Switzerland B

World Altering Medicine

WAM 2006 N

World Anti-Bullying Forum

WABF 1997 Umeå Sweden D

World Assemblies of God Relief and Development Agency

WAGRA Springfield MO USA K

World Association for Sustainable Development

WASD 2003 London UK C

World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts

WAGGGS 1928 London UK B

World Association of Industrial and Technological Research Organizations

WAITRO 1970 Nanjing China B yt

World Association of Non-Governmental Organizations

WANGO 2000 Tarrytown NY USA C

World Association of Zoos and Aquariums

WAZA 1946 Barcelona Spain C y

World Autism Organisation

WAO 1998 Windhoek Namibia C

World Benchmarking Alliance

WBA Amsterdam Netherlands C y

World Business Council for Sustainable Development

WBCSD 1995 Geneva Switzerland C

World Childhood Foundation

1999 Stockholm Sweden F f

World City Ice and Snow Tourism Cooperation Organization


World Community Chaplains

1978 West Hills CA USA N

World Community Development Education Society

WCDES Courtenay BC Canada G

World Community for Christian Meditation

WCCM 1991 London UK N

World Conference of Therapeutic Communities

Katrineholm Sweden S c
