
International Campaign to Ban Landmines (ICBL)
Campagne internationale pour l'interdiction des mines terrestres
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The UIA is a leading provider of information about international non-profit organizations. The aim of the Open Yearbook is to promote the activities of international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs).
Contact Details
URL: http://www.icbl.org/
1992 Washington DC USA
Available with paid subscription only.Aims
Work towards: an international ban on the use, production, stockpiling and sale, transfer or export of anti-personnel landmines; signing, ratification, implementation and monitoring of the mine ban treaty; increased resources for humanitarian demining and mine risk education programmes; increased resources for landmine victim rehabilitation and assistance.
13 past events available with paid subscription only.Activities
Available with paid subscription only.Structure
Available with paid subscription only.Consultative Status
Available with paid subscription only.Relations with Inter-Governmental Organizations
Organizations calling for a ban: E-XE3382 - UNDP; E-XE3016 - UNHCR; F-XF3380 - UNICEF. Links with: E-XE6904 - United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR); E-XE2286 - United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS).
Relations with Non-Governmental Organizations
Special links with: F-XF1623 - International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). Member of: U-XG9331 - Advocacy Network for Africa (ADNA). Represented on Steering Committee of: U-XF7049 - Cluster Munition Coalition (CMC). National and international organizations calling for a ban, the following of which are listed in this Yearbook:
- F-XF5056 - ActionAid;
- G-XG9074 - Africa Action;
- G-XG6252 - Africa Faith and Justice Network (AFJN);
- G-XK2074 - African Centre for the Constructive Resolution of Disputes (ACCORD);
- U-XN5833 - African Rights;
- D-XD0036 - All Africa Conference of Churches (AACC);
- D-XD0419 - All-Africa Students Union (AASU);
- G-XN3017 - Alliance Sud, Swiss Alliance of Development Organisations Swissaid - Catholic Lenten Fund - Bread for All - Helvetas - Caritas - Interchurch Aid;
- G-XG0457 - American Council for Voluntary International Action (InterAction);
- G-XG3360 - American Friends Service Committee (AFSC);
- G-XG1553 - Alight;
- E-XE4591 - Association of Former International Civil Servants - New York (AFICS New York);
- G-XG5060 - Association François-Xavier Bagnoud (FXB International);
- U-XD7049 - Association internationale des amis du français, langue olympique et sportive (AIAFLOS);
- U-XG2012 - Associazione Studi America Latina (ASAL);
- U-XG0729 - Austcare;
- G-XG4357 - Australian Council for International Development (ACFID);
- G-XN4239 - AVI;
- G-XN3643 - Bread for All;
- G-XG1992 - Brot für die Welt;
- G-XG7969 - Brücke-Le pont;
- G-XG0127 - Buddhist Peace Fellowship (BPF);
- G-XG5279 - Canadian Centre for International Studies and Cooperation (CECI);
- G-XG8315 - Cooperation Canada;
- G-XG0240 - Canadian Council for Refugees (CCR);
- G-XN0449 - Canadian Association Global Health (CAGH);
- G-XG2803 - Catholic Agency for Overseas Development (CAFOD);
- G-XN4586 - Centre for Conflict Resolution, Cape Town (CCR);
- G-XG7941 - Centre for Peace and Arms Control Studies and Documentation - Archivio Disarmo;
- G-XG3084 - Centre for Strategic Studies, New Zealand (CSS-NZ);
- G-XG1897 - Centro de Informação e Documentação Amilcar Cabral (CIDAC);
- F-XF2501 - ChildFund International;
- G-XG1119 - Christian Aid;
- D-XD0475 - Christian Conference of Asia (CCA);
- G-XG7077 - Coalition of the Flemish North South Movement - 11 11 11;
- U-XG2943 - Coalition for Peace;
- U-XG2944 - Coalition for Peace and Reconciliation (CPR);
- G-XN2917 - Commission Tiers-Monde de l'Eglise catholique, Genève (COTMEC);
- G-XG5709 - Common Global Ministries Board (CGMB);
- G-XG8892 - Concern Worldwide;
- G-XG8197 - Cooperazione per lo Sviluppo dei Paesi Emergenti (COSPE);
- Council for a Livable World Education Fund (CLWEF);
- G-XG4909 - Dallas Peace Center;
- G-XJ3791 - Danish Institute for Human Rights (DIHR);
- G-XG8528 - Danish Peace Foundation;
- G-XG1663 - Danish Refugee Council (DRC);
- G-XN1770 - Earthstewards Network;
- G-XN5213 - East Timor and Indonesia Action Network (ETAN);
- G-XG0824 - Entraide et fraternité;
- G-XG6797 - Episcopal Peace Fellowship (EPF);
- G-XN4634 - Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA);
- G-XG0917 - Fonds voor Ontwikkelingssamenwerking - Socialistische Solidariteit (FOS);
- G-XG3295 - François-Xavier Bagnoud Center for Health and Human Rights;
- G-XF0101 - Friends of the Third World;
- G-XG1605 - Fund for Peace (FFP);
- G-XG6660 - Gaston Z Ortigas Peace Institute (GZO-PI);
- Geneva Federation for Cooperation and Development (FGC);
- G-XF2400 - German Catholic Bishops' Organisation for Development Cooperation;
- C-XG0269 - Global Health Council (GHC);
- G-XG0631 - Global Justice Now;
- G-XF2497 - Global Rights;
- G-XG6380 - GOAL;
- G-XN6153 - Grandmothers for Peace International;
- G-XG8965 - Gray Panthers Project Fund;
- U-XG4356 - Green Earth Organization (GEO);
- F-XF4392 - Greenpeace International;
- G-XG5852 - Hand in Hand tegen Racisme;
- U-XG4317 - Hotline International (HI);
- G-XG3085 - Indian Institute for Peace, Disarmament and Environmental Protection (IIPDEP);
- H-XD9898 - Inter-African Union of Human Rights (IUHR);
- G-XN4302 - International Centre for the Advancement of Community-Based Rehabilitation (ICACBR);
- A-XA1762 - International Council of Voluntary Agencies (ICVA);
- F-XF1856 - International Eye Foundation (IEF);
- D-XU8920 - International Federation of Christian Churches (IFCC);
- B-XB1956 - International Federation of Medical Students' Associations (IFMSA);
- G-XG2610 - International Medical Corps (IMC);
- G-XN6386 - International Movement for a Just World (JUST);
- B-XB2561 - International Society of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology;
- G-XG4283 - International Women's Development Agency (IWDA);
- G-XG3963 - Irish Refugee Council;
- G-XG3962 - Italian Council for Refugees;
- F-XF0725 - Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific (JCAP);
- E-XK0348 - Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS);
- G-XG5258 - Lutheran Office for World Community;
- G-XG4801 - Lutheran Peace Fellowship (LPF);
- G-XG6830 - Lutheran World Relief (LWR);
- G-XG1685 - Manos Unidas;
- E-XE4405 - Médecins du Monde - International (MDM);
- G-XG1842 - Medical Association for the Prevention of War, Australia (MAPW);
- G-XE0074 - Mennonite Central Committee (MCC);
- F-XG2140 - Mercy Corps International (MCI);
- E-XE2198 - Mission d'aide au développement des économies rurales afghanes (MADERA);
- R-XR1601 - Missionary Sisters of Our Lady of Africa (White Sisters);
- U-XG5634 - Mouvement d'entraide pour le Tiers-monde et la coopération (MEATMEC);
- U-XN1400 - Netherlands Institute for Southern Africa;
- U-XG6540 - New Transcentury Foundation;
- E-XE2219 - NGO Committee on Peace, Vienna;
- F-XN6154 - Nonviolence International (NI);
- U-XN6812 - North American Council for Muslim Women;
- G-XG4443 - Norwegian Church Aid;
- G-XG8897 - Norwegian People's Aid (NPA);
- G-XG0728 - Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC);
- F-XF0107 - Nuclear-Free and Independent Pacific Movement (NFIP Movement);
- G-XG3502 - Oxfam Australia;
- F-XF4447 - Oxfam International (American Section);
- G-XG3071 - Oxfam Novib;
- G-XF0110 - Oxfam GB;
- G-XN3178 - Peace Action Education Fund (PAEF);
- U-XG7963 - Peace Research Centre, Canberra (PCR);
- U-XG4256 - Peace Studies Institute of the Philippines (PSIPhil);
- G-XG3592 - Peace Union of Finland;
- U-XN6671 - Peacefund Canada;
- G-XG8483 - People and Planet;
- G-XF0004 - Pestalozzi Children's Foundation;
- R-XR0053 - Poor Servants of the Mother of God (SMG);
- G-XG5647 - POWER International;
- G-XG0391 - Première Urgence Internationale;
- G-XG5330 - Psychologists for Peace;
- G-XN0293 - Public Eye;
- K-XK2079 - Quaker Peace and Social Witness (QPSW);
- G-XF1375 - Rädda Barnen - Save the Children Sweden;
- G-XG0382 - Refugee Studies Centre, Oxford (RSC);
- G-XG6287 - Refugees International (RI);
- F-XD4008 - Religions for Peace (RfP);
- G-XG4465 - Rencontre africaine pour la défense des droits de l'homme (RADDHO);
- F-XF5485 - Reporters sans frontières (RSF);
- G-XG2932 - Robert F Kennedy Human Rights;
- G-XG0897 - Saferworld;
- G-XG6066 - Save the Children Federation (SCF);
- F-XD4112 - Save the Children International;
- G-XF1888 - Save the Children UK (SC UK);
- G-XG6618 - Broederlijk Delen;
- G-XG1362 - Partage - avec les enfants du monde (Partage);
- B-XB3245 - Soroptimist International (SI);
- G-XG4572 - Spanish Commission for Refugee Assistance;
- G-XG4714 - Swiss Interchurch Aid;
- G-XG0149 - Swissaid;
- G-XG6657 - Taipei Overseas Peace Service (TOPS);
- G-XG5271 - Tearfund, UK;
- F-XF1872 - Terre des Hommes International Federation (TDHIF);
- G-XG4224 - Third World Solidarity Action;
- G-XG2829 - Trocaire - Catholic Agency for World Development;
- F-XF3041 - Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA);
- G-XG5724 - Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (UUSC);
- G-XN4693 - US Peace Council;
- G-XN4241 - Voluntary Service International (VSI);
- G-XG3306 - War and Peace Foundation;
- U-XG3118 - Women, Law and Development International (WLDI);
- U-XG2199 - Women Strike for Peace (WSP);
- C-XC3439 - Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF);
- F-XF1896 - World Concern International;
- B-XB3501 - World Council of Churches (WCC);
- G-XN4492 - World Friendship Center (WFC);
- G-XG5390 - World Learning;
- F-XF0854 - World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT);
- F-XC0062 - World Orthopaedic Concern (WOC);
- B-XB3605 - The World Veterans Federation (WVF).
Links with:
- D-XD4699 - Association of Southeast and East Asian Catholic Colleges and Universities (ASEACCU);
- U-XN6665 - Baltic International Centre of Human Education - Cooperation for Peace (CfP);
- F-XF8357 - Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF);
- G-XN3002 - Campaign Against Arms Trade (CAAT);
- G-XN2762 - Church of the Brethren;
- G-XG0538 - Church World Service (CWS);
- E-XF4980 - Hague Appeal for Peace (HAP);
- F-XF0223 - Humanity and Inclusion (HI);
- G-XF3489 - Ingénieurs sans frontières (ISF);
- C-XC1451 - International Catholic Child Bureau;
- B-XD2340 - International Peace Bureau (IPB);
- F-XF6251 - International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW);
- F-XF0054 - International Rescue Committee (IRC);
- G-XG7751 - Johannes Wier Foundation for Health and Human Rights, Netherlands;
- B-XB2937 - The Lutheran World Federation (LWF);
- G-XG9871 - Mani Tese (MT);
- G-XG9403 - Medact;
- G-XG6783 - Operation USA;
- F-XC3084 - Pax Christi - International Catholic Peace Movement;
- E-XE2614 - Peace 2000 Institute;
- G-XN5279 - Peace Cooperative Network (PCN);
- G-XG1173 - Swedish Peace and Arbitration Society (SPAS);
- G-XG2295 - Veterans for Peace (VFP);
- F-XF1857 - World Rehabilitation Fund (WRF);
- B-XC4317 - World Vision International (WVI).
Available with paid subscription only.Members
Available with paid subscription only.Type I Classification
Available with paid subscription only.Type II Classification
Available with paid subscription only.Subjects *
UN Sustainable Development Goals **
** UN SDGs are linked to the subject classification.
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