The Lutheran World Federation (LWF)
Fédération luthérienne mondiale (FLM)
Lutherischer Weltbund (LWB)
Lutherska Världsförbundet
Federación Luterana Mundial
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The UIA is a leading provider of information about international non-profit organizations. The aim of the Open Yearbook is to promote the activities of international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs).
Contact Details
URL: https://www.lutheranworld.org/
1947 Lund Sweden
Available with paid subscription only.Aims
As a communion of churches which confess the triune God, agree in the proclamation of the Word of God and are united in pulpit and altar fellowship: confess the one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church; resolve to serve Christian unity throughout the world; further the united witness to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and strengthen member churches in carrying out the missionary command and in their efforts towards Christian unity worldwide; further diaconic action worldwide among member churches, alleviating human need, promoting peace and human rights, social and economic justice, care for God's creation and sharing of resources; through cooperative study, further self-understanding and communion of member churches and help them to act jointly in common tasks; confess the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments to be the only source and norm of doctrine, life and service; in the three Ecumenical Creeds and in the Confessions of the Lutheran Church, and especially in the unaltered Augsburg Confession and the Small Catechism of Martin Luther, see a pure exposition of the Word of God.
141 past events available with paid subscription only.Activities
Available with paid subscription only.Structure
Available with paid subscription only.Languages
Available with paid subscription only.Staff
Available with paid subscription only.Annual Budget
Available with paid subscription only.Finance
Available with paid subscription only.Registrations
Available with paid subscription only.Consultative Status
Available with paid subscription only.Relations with Inter-Governmental Organizations
Associated with Department of Global Communications of the United Nations.
- Cooperates with: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
- Cooperates with: United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
- Cooperates with: United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)
- Cooperates with: United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA)
- Cooperates with: World Food Programme (WFP)
- Observer status with: International Organization for Migration (IOM)
- Links with: Center for Information on Migration in Latin America
- Links with: Global Information and Early Warning System on Food and Agriculture (GIEWS)
- Links with: United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA)
Relations with Non-Governmental Organizations
Bilateral dialogue at global level with: F-XF5079 - Anglican Communion; Orthodox churches; Roman Catholic Church. Ecumenical conversations with: B-XB0991 - General Conference of Seventh-Day Adventists (SDA). Close cooperation with: F-XF8285 - Lutheran Foundation for Interconfessional Research. Partner to: F-XD0066 - Development Innovations and Networks. Observer to: E-XD2348 - ACT Alliance EU. Board member of: E-XE4209 - Sphere Association (Sphere). International Associate of: E-XE4255 - International Dalit Solidarity Network (IDSN). Supports: F-XJ4001 - Circle of Concerned African Women Theologians (CAWT); F-XF0025 - Coordinadora Regional de Investigaciones Económicas y Sociales (CRIES).
Member of:
- F-XF4594 - Child Rights International Network (CRIN);
- B-XM4452 - CHS Alliance;
- E-XE6390 - Committee of NGOs on Human Rights, Geneva;
- G-XE3391 - Cooperation Committee for Cambodia (CCC);
- U-XF6840 - Ecumenical Advocacy Alliance (EAA);
- E-XE0956 - Fédération des Institutions Internationales établies à Genève (FIIG);
- B-XC4597 - International Association for Mission Studies (IAMS);
- U-XF3109 - International Campaign to Ban Landmines (ICBL);
- A-XA1762 - International Council of Voluntary Agencies (ICVA);
- U-XE4452 - International NGO Committee on Human Rights in Trade and Investment (INCHRITI);
- E-XE2259 - NGO Committee on the Status of Women, Geneva;
- E-XE1562 - NGO Forum on Cambodia;
- F-XF2988 - Oikocredit International (Oikocredit);
- E-XE5231 - Steering Committee for Humanitarian Response (SCHR).
Partner of: E-XM7207 - Global Camp Coordination and Camp Management Cluster (CCCM Cluster). Regular cooperation with:
- D-XD0978 - Association francophone internationale de recherche scientifique en éducation (AFIRSE);
- U-XN7470 - Associazione per la Promozione degli Scambi e della Solidarietà Internazionale (Lunaria);
- G-XG1992 - Brot für die Welt;
- G-XN3470 - Den Norske Israelmisjon (DNI);
- G-XN8083 - Finn Church Aid (FCA);
- G-XG7425 - Finnish Lutheran Overseas Mission;
- G-XG0947 - Folkekirkens Nødhjaelp (FKN);
- G-XN5380 - Icelandic Church Aid;
- E-XE3679 - Lutheran Communion in Central and East Africa (LUCCEA);
- E-XE3681 - Lutheran Communion in Central and Western Africa (LUCWA);
- E-XE3218 - Lutheran Communion in Southern Africa (LUCSA);
- G-XG8619 - Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (LIRS);
- G-XG6830 - Lutheran World Relief (LWR);
- U-XD8222 - Lutherans United in Communication (LUC);
- G-XG7915 - Martin Luther Federation;
- G-XG4443 - Norwegian Church Aid;
- G-XG7918 - United Evangelical Lutheran Church in Southern Africa (UELCSA).
Also links with:
- E-XJ1227 - ACT Alliance;
- U-XF8355 - Africa Church Information Service (ACIS);
- U-XG4544 - Africa Rehabilitation and Education Programme Foundation (AREP Foundation);
- U-XE8607 - All Africa Lutheran Churches Information and Coordination Centre (ALICE);
- H-XD5095 - Asociación de Confederaciones Deportivas Sudamericanas (ACODESU);
- G-XG3121 - Canadian Lutheran World Relief (CLWR);
- G-XG6484 - Centre for the Study of Forced Migration (CSFM);
- D-XD0475 - Christian Conference of Asia (CCA);
- U-XK0055 - Communication Ministry Enabling Fund (CMEF);
- D-XM3286 - Community of Protestant Churches in Europe (CPCE);
- F-XD0401 - Conference of European Churches (CEC);
- G-XG1670 - Consortium of Christian Relief and Development Association (CCRDA);
- U-XF1762 - Esquel Group Foundation (EGF);
- U-XF6951 - Information Network on Education for Latin America;
- E-XE4064 - Inter-African Committee on Traditional Practices Affecting the Health of Women and Children (IAC);
- F-XF1623 - International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC);
- B-XB2907 - International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies;
- E-XG7916 - International Lutheran Council (ILC);
- F-XF2405 - International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement;
- E-XE9550 - Kommunikationsausschuss Lutherischer Minderheitskirchen in Europa (KALME);
- G-XG1460 - Lutheran Association for Maritime Ministry (LAMM);
- U-XK0690 - Lutheran Church Aid;
- D-XD2971 - Middle East Council of Churches (MECC);
- F-XF1937 - Middle East Lutheran Ministry (MELM);
- U-XG8567 - Nordiske Kristine Buddihstmission (NKB);
- U-XF2748 - Pan European Women's Network for Intercultural Action and Exchange;
- E-XF0800 - Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity (DPCU);
- G-XG0382 - Refugee Studies Centre, Oxford (RSC);
- F-XD4008 - Religions for Peace (RfP);
- G-XG4714 - Swiss Interchurch Aid;
- U-XM1466 - World Bank - Civil Society Joint Facilitation Committee (JFC);
- B-XB3501 - World Council of Churches (WCC), including LWF/WCC Liaison Committee;
- B-XB3609 - World Young Women's Christian Association (World YWCA).
Instrumental in setting up: E-XE4605 - All Africa Anglican-Lutheran Commission (AAALC); U-XU0985 - Anglican-Lutheran International Commission (ALIC); U-XQ5470 - Asian Program for the Enhancement of Lay Training (APELT); E-XE0796 - Institute for Ecumenical Research, Strasbourg; E-XE1430 - Lutheran European Commission on the Church and the Jewish People; G-XG5258 - Lutheran Office for World Community; E-XE1615 - Lutheran-Orthodox Joint Commission; E-XE0269 - Lutheran-Roman Catholic Commission on Unity.
Available with paid subscription only.Members
Available with paid subscription only.Type I Classification
Available with paid subscription only.Subjects *
UN Sustainable Development Goals **
** UN SDGs are linked to the subject classification.
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