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The UIA is a leading provider of information about international non-profit organizations. The aim of the Open Yearbook is to promote the activities of international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs).

International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Interfoundation Study Group

U d XU4869

INTERFRIGO - International Railway-owned Company for Refrigerated Transport

1949 U de XM1031

Intergalactic Spacecraft - UFO - Intercontinental Research and Analytic Network

ICUFON 1966 Flushing NY USA U x XF5539

Intergas Marketing

1951 U d XD1514


1974 U dg XD7693

InterGOV International

1986 U d XG7135

Intergovernmental Committee of Experts on Science and Technology Development

IGCESTD 1973 U dg XE2741

Intergovernmental Committee of the Rome Convention

1955 U dg XH7045

Intergovernmental Committee of the World Decade for Cultural Development

Paris France U dg XE1565

Intergovernmental Committee on the Convention on Biological Diversity

ICCBD 1992 Montréal QC Canada U dg XE1756

Intergovernmental Consultative Forum of Developing Tropical Timber Producing/Exporting Countries

1981 U dg XK1066

Intergovernmental Coordinating Committee for Population and Family Planning in Southeast Asia

IGCC U dg XE0641

Intergovernmental Council for Coordination of Cooperation of Non-Aligned Countries in the Field of Information and Communication

1977 U dg XE0421

Intergovernmental Documentation Centre on Housing and Environment for the Countries of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe

IDCHEC U dg XE3860

Intergovernmental Expert Group to Study the Economic and Social Consequences of Illicit Traffic in Drugs

U dg XU1458

Intergovernmental Financial Consortium

U x XU4202

Intergovernmental Group of Experts for the Protection of War Victims

U dg XJ2841

Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Economic Cooperation among Developing Countries

U dg XK0923

Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Iron Ore

U dg XK0922

Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Ports

U dg XK0463

Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Tungsten

U dg XF2643

Intergovernmental Group on Bananas

1965 Rome Italy U dg XE3074

Intergovernmental Group on Cocoa

1956 U dg XU1517

Intergovernmental Group on Indonesia

IGGI 1967 U dg XF7039

Intergovernmental Group on the Emergence of a New Global Humanitarian Order

U dg XU1528


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