Communication → Censorship
Censorship is the suppression of speech, public communication, or other information. This may be done on the basis that such material is considered objectionable, harmful, sensitive, or "inconvenient". Censorship can be conducted by governments and private institutions. When an individual such as an author or other creator engages in censorship of their own works or speech, it is referred to as self-censorship. General censorship occurs in a variety of different media, including speech, books, music, films, and other arts, the press, radio, television, and the Internet for a variety of claimed reasons including national security, to control obscenity, pornography, and hate speech, to protect children or other vulnerable groups, to promote or restrict political or religious views, and to prevent slander and libel. Specific rules and regulations regarding censorship vary between legal jurisdictions and/or private organizations.
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Organizations relating to Censorship
Partnership for Transparency Fund / Washington DC, USA / Est. 2000
Financial Transparency Coalition / Boston MA, USA / Est. 2009
Transparency, Accountability and Participation Network / New York NY, USA
World Free Press Institute / San Ramon CA, USA / Est. 1997
Index on Censorship / London, UK / Est. 1972
International Free Press Society / Est. 2008
International Association for the Defence of Artists / Est. 1979
Inter-American Convention on Transparency in Conventional Weapons Acquisitions / Washington DC, USA / Est. 1999
United Nations Convention on Transparency in Treaty-based Investor-State Arbitration / Est. 2014
European Foundation for Free Expression / Paris, France
Free Press International
Human Rights Watch Free Expression Project / Est. 1975
CoST - the Infrastructure Transparency Initiative / London, UK
Transparency and Accountability Initiative
Network of European Integrity and Whistleblowing Authorities / The Hague, Netherlands / Est. 2019
Global Transparency Initiative / Washington DC, USA
Transparency International / Berlin, Germany / Est. 1993
Alliance for Lobbying Transparency and Ethics Regulation / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 2005
World Expression Forum / Lillehammer, Norway / Est. 2021
ARTICLE 19 / London, UK / Est. 1986
Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes / Boulogne-Billancourt, France / Est. 2009
View all profiles (29 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations
World Problems relating to Censorship
From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human PotentialMisunderstanding of marriage
Military censorship
Book censorship
Historical misrepresentation
Biased and inaccurate history textbooks
Film and cinema censorship
Censorship in communist systems
Newspaper and periodical censorship
Deliberate lying by corporation officials
Misleading of elected representatives by government officials
Defamation of character
Misleading endorsement advertising
Misleading advertising
Religious censorship
Negative effects of maternity
Erosion of social dialogue
Advertising censorship
Misrepresentation of self-sufficiency as socially responsible
Commercially sponsored health education
Indoctrination by repetition
Scientific censorship
Lack of transparency in international organizations
Misuse of classified information
Action Strategies relating to Censorship
From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human PotentialCensoring
Limiting freedom of information
Preventing media censorship
Preventing censorship on the Internet
Campaigning against religious education
Opposing intellectual property
Being an atheist
Rejecting reality
Refusing to provide medical treatment
Restricting travel
Restricting freedom of thought
Restricting freedom of expression
Restricting freedom of movement between countries
Risking slander
Reducing risk of slandering
Prosecuting slander
Suppressing evidence
Violating human rights
Discounting causal relationship among problems
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