UNESCO Office, Jakarta - Regional Bureau for Sciences in Asia and the Pacific
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The UIA is a leading provider of information about international non-profit organizations. The aim of the Open Yearbook is to promote the activities of international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs).
Contact Details
URL: http://www.unesco.org/jakarta/
1951 Jakarta Indonesia
Available with paid subscription only.Aims
Contribute to peace and human development in a era of globalization through education, sciences, culture and communication; reduce poverty through education for all, applying scientific knowledge to the benefit of the poor and removing social, cultural and communications barriers to equity; humanize globalization through building cultural and communication bridges, assurance of cultural heritage and empowerment of the marginalized to participate; bridge the digital divide through socio-technical innovation; redress marginalization of women and young people; assist in combating the threat of HIV/AIDS through providing essential knowledge and changing negative attitudes and behaviours through education and advocacy; empower indigenous cultures confronting the modern world; create a sustainable world for present and future generations through linking science and ecological knowledge with an understanding of community and social processes; promote freedom of expression, free flow of information and press freedom; promote peace by addressing the challenges of globalization.
28 past events available with paid subscription only.Activities
Available with paid subscription only.Languages
Available with paid subscription only.Relations with Inter-Governmental Organizations
Carries out initiatives in close cooperation with National Commissions for UNESCO, UNESCO Headquarters and relevant field offices. Cooperating organizations:
- E-XF2724 - Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP);
- D-XD0165 - ASEAN;
- F-XE0470 - Asia-Pacific Institute for Broadcasting Development (AIBD);
- F-XF0077 - Asian Development Bank (ADB);
- U-XG0307 - Australian Aid;
- E-XE6070 - Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développement (CIRAD);
- F-XF1393 - International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) (World Bank);
- B-XB0100 - International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO);
- G-XG7778 - Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA);
- F-XE4356 - Programme on Man and the Biosphere (MAB);
- E-XE3625 - Regional Humid Tropics Hydrology and Water Resources Centre for South East Asia and the Pacific (HTC);
- E-XE7078 - Southeast Asian Regional Centre for Tropical Biology (SEAMEO BIOTROP);
- E-XE4161 - UNEP;
- E-XE3382 - UNDP (Asia Pacific Gender Programme - APGEN);
- F-XF3380 - UNICEF;
- E-XE3120 - United Nations Commission on Science and Technology for Development (CSTD);
- E-XE4177 - United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP);
- H-XF6838 - United Nations Mission of Support in East Timor (UNMISET);
- F-XF2488 - United Nations University (UNU);
- F-XF4104 - United Nations Volunteers (UNV).
Cooperates in 'World Solar Programme' managed by: U-XF3612 - World Solar Commission. Links with: F-XF5114 - International Geoscience Programme (IGCP).
Relations with Non-Governmental Organizations
Cooperating organizations:
- G-XG5622 - Asia-Pacific Centre for Theoretical Physics (APCTP);
- D-XD0486 - Asian Alliance of Appropriate Technology Practitioners (APPROTECH ASIA);
- U-XF2213 - Asian Coordinating Group for Chemistry (ACGC);
- F-XF4954 - Asian Institute of Technology (AIT);
- S-XS5590 - Asian Symposium on Medicinal Plants, Spices and Other Natural Products (ASOMPS);
- D-XD4630 - Association of Universities of Asia and the Pacific (AUAP);
- G-XN6570 - Centre for International Cooperation and Computerization (CICC);
- E-XE3089 - Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR);
- G-XU2022 - Centre for Research on Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development (Swaminathan Research Foundation);
- C-XF1397 - Conservation International (CI) Indonesia Programme;
- U-XF6999 - Greater Mekong Subregion Academic and Research Network (GMSARN);
- F-XF2797 - Hearing International (Japan);
- U-XQ0256 - International Centre for Biotechnology, Osaka University;
- C-XD2693 - International Society for Mangrove Ecosystems (ISME);
- G-XG0833 - The Nature Conservancy (TNC);
- G-XF0110 - Oxfam GB;
- H-XJ4395 - Pacific Foundation for the Advancement of Women (PACFAW);
- F-XD0175 - SPIE;
- C-XC0132 - World Council for Renewable Energy (WCRE);
- B-XC4317 - World Vision International (WVI).
Available with paid subscription only.Members
Available with paid subscription only.Type I Classification
Available with paid subscription only.Type II Classification
Available with paid subscription only.Subjects *
- Communication → Communication
- Education → Education
- Science → Science
- Culture → Culture
- Culture → UNESCO Bodies
UN Sustainable Development Goals **
** UN SDGs are linked to the subject classification.
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