Culture → UNESCO Bodies
Organizations relating to UNESCO Bodies
UNESCO Office, Jakarta - Regional Bureau for Sciences in Asia and the Pacific / Jakarta, Indonesia / Est. 1951
UNESCO Office, Montevideo - Regional Bureau for Sciences in Latin America and the Caribbean / Montevideo, Uruguay / Est. 1949
Intergovernmental Committee of the Universal Copyright Convention / Paris, France / Est. 1974
International Staff Association of UNESCO / Paris, France / Est. 1981
Joint ILO/UNESCO Committee of Experts on the Application of the Recommendations Concerning Teaching Personnel / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 1967
UNESCO Office, Cairo - Regional Bureau for Sciences in the Arab States / Cairo, Egypt / Est. 1947
UNESCO Asia and Pacific Regional Bureau for Education / Bangkok, Thailand / Est. 1961
Asian Pacific Federation of UNESCO Clubs and Associations / Tokyo, Japan / Est. 1974
European Federation of UNESCO Clubs, Centres and Associations / Busteni, Romania / Est. 2001
African Confederation of UNESCO Clubs, Centres and Associations / Paris, France / Est. 1999
UNESCO Regional Network for Microbiology and Microbial Biotechnology in Southeast Asia / Pathum Thani, Thailand / Est. 1974
UNESCO Network of Associated Libraries / Paris, France / Est. 1990
UNESCO International Research and Training Centre for Rural Education / Baoding, China / Est. 1994
UNESCO-EOLSS Joint Committee / Paris, France / Est. 1997
Americans for UNESCO / Washington DC, USA / Est. 1985
Trace Element - Institute for UNESCO / Valence, France / Est. 1996
UNESCO Statistical Data Bank System / Est. 1971
UNESCO Regional Bureau for Communication and Information for Latin America / Quito, Ecuador
UNESCO Centre for Membrane Science and Technology / Sydney NSW, Australia / Est. 1988
UNESCO Fellowships Programme / Paris, France / Est. 1946
International Chair-Network UNESCO/ICES on "Technical and Vocational Education and Training" / Moscow, Russia
Rencontres philosophiques de l'UNESCO / Paris, France
Protocol Instituting a Conciliation and Good Offices Commission to be Responsible for Seeking the Settlement of Any Disputes Which May Arise between States Parties to the Convention Against Discrimination in Education / Paris, France / Est. 1962
UNESCO Co-Action Programme / Est. 1950
International UNESCO Youth Institute
Intergovernmental Regional Committee on Education in Asia and the Pacific / Bangkok, Thailand / Est. 1993
International Committee for Support of UNESCO
Joint UNESCO-IAU Research Programme in Higher Education / Est. 1960
International Advisory Committee on Research in the Natural Sciences Programme of UNESCO / Est. 1953
Centre d'édition et de production de manuels scolaires de l'UNESCO, Yaoundé / Est. 1962
UNESCO Network of Institutions and Associations in Science and Education
UNESCO International Centre for Engineering Education / Est. 1994
UNESCO Anthropology and Language Science in Educational Development Network / Est. 1976
Centre international de l'UNESCO pour la recherche et la formation en écohydrologie
ICSU-UNESCO Distinguished Fellowships in Science
Asian Pacific Regional Coordinating Committee / Delhi, India / Est. 1994
Fédération européenne des clubs UNESCO / Est. 1990
UNESCO Children's Club
ICSU-UNESCO Coordinating Committee
UNESCO Choir "Les voix unies" / Paris, France
UNESCO Special Fund for Youth / Est. 1976
Orchestres 'Pro-UNESCO' / Paris, France / Est. 1971
Association pour la réintégration du Royaume-Uni dans l'UNESCO / London, UK
Réseau UNESCO inter-rives / Est. 1994
UNESCO Documentation Centre for Culture and Documentation / Paris, France
Joint International UNESCO/WIPO Service for Access by Developing Countries to Works Protected by Copyright / Paris, France / Est. 1981
Network of Academies of Mediterranean Countries / Paris, France / Est. 1996
International Research Centre for Intangible Cultural Heritage in the Asia-Pacific Region under the Auspices of UNESCO / Osaka, Japan
UNESCO Regional Bureau for Education in Latin America and the Caribbean / Santiago, Chile / Est. 1967
UNESCO Regional Bureau for Culture for Latin America and the Caribbean / Havana, Cuba / Est. 1950
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