title:Fraud Item: Conference Invitation from the International Humanitarian Aid Organization

Dear Sir/Madam

I am Mrs. Isabella Jacob, a staff of International Humanitarian Aid Organization (IHAO) Washington D.C, U.S.A and a member of the international Red Cross. We are organizing a global combined conference against Racism and Fighting for Human Right in U.S.A and Dakar Senegal West Africa. It is my pleasure to invite you to participate in this global combined international conference, taking place from 20th to 23rd of January 2010 in Washington D.C United States of America and from 27th to 30th of January 2010 in Dakar
Senegal West Africa.

title:Fraud Item: Conference Invitation for 7th World Congress on Child Labour and Child Exploitation

Date sent: Mon, 07 Dec 2009 17:18:00 +0100
From: "online info" onlineinfo2010_5@centrum.sk
To: unlisted-recipients:; (no To-header on input)

Children are the fuel of life, without them there is no future.

Dear Friend,

title:Fraud Item: Seventh Annual International Global Combine Conference on Global Economy and Human Welfare

[undated late Novemeber 2009]

Secretary AWIO awio_secretary@insing.com

Dear Applicant,

You are most welcome to participate in the Seventh Annual International Global Combine conference on Global Economy and Human Welfare. Which will be held from 25th – 29th January 2010 at AXA Equitable Center – Auditorium in New York City U.S.A, and from February 1st – 5th 2010 at Meridien President Central Hall Dakar Senegal West Africa, We are welcoming you in this forth coming international conference.

title:Fraud Item: 7th International NGO/CBO Training Workshop

[undated late 2009]

Dear Applicant,

We acknowledged the receipt of your message reply regarding your organization invitation to take part in the 7th International NGO/CBO Training Workshop and we advice you from our desk that the Foundation has Its Network Edith Travis AIDS Foundation - Africa in Togo (West Africa) which is our corresponding liaison branch office.

title:Fraud Item: World Conference on Global Peace / Human Trafficking & Human Right

Date sent: Fri, 6 Nov 2009 14:07:17 -0800 (PST)
Subject: WCOGP/HT&HR 2009,
From: "v_driagina_hasko" v_driagina_hasko@insing.com
Send reply to: v_driagina_hasko@insing.com


You are cordially invited to participate in the forth-coming WORLD CONFERENCE ON GLOBAL PEACE / HUMAN TRAFFICKING & HUMAN RIGHT. The conference is been organized by the Global Humanitarian Welfare organization (GHWO) in collaboration with other NGO’s.

title:Fraud Item: Conférence annuelle de la Fondation pour La Coopération et Du Développement

[the following is from a PDF attachment from a fraud solicitation]

Office of International Relations,
La Fondation pour la Coopération et du Développement
Adresse: 804-130, rue Albert Street
Ottawa, Londres K1P 5G4
Tél: +44 70 31 95 50 49
Fax: +44 70 35 93 18 48
Email: direction_fcd.londre@yahoo.fr

title:Fraud Item: World Conference on Global Peace / Human Trafficking & Human Right

Date sent: Sun, 1 Nov 2009 22:19:24 -0800 (PST)
Subject: WCOGP/HT&HR 2009,
From: "v_driagina_hasko" v_driagina_hasko@insing.com
Send reply to: v_driagina_hasko@insing.com


You are cordially invited to participate in the forth-coming WORLD CONFERENCE ON GLOBAL PEACE / HUMAN TRAFFICKING & HUMAN RIGHT. The conference is been organized by the Global Humanitarian Welfare organization (GHWO) in collaboration with other NGO’s.


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