International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Society of International Cultural Exchange

New York NY USA U x XN7096

Society of International Friendship

SIF 1986 Tokyo Japan U dv XN1962

Society of International Humanitarian Surgeons

SOS 2007 U d XJ2586

Society of Latin American Plastic Surgeons in USA and Canada

SLAPS 1988 Miami FL USA U x XG8655

Society of Metaphysicians

S of M 1944 U d XF1327

Society of Ornamental Turners

1948 Saltdean UK U x XN4254

Society of People Interested in Boring Things

1997 San Diego CA USA U x XJ7070

Society of Professionals in Dispute Resolution

SPIDR 1972 U dt XN7790

Society of Rosicrucians

U d XU0143

Society of Saunterers, International

SOS, Int 1985 Gaylord MI USA U x XN2738

Society of St John the Evangelist - America

SSJE America Cambridge MA USA U x XG9752

Society of the Americas

1981 U s XU5725

Society of the Friends of Ancient and Historical Dubrovnik

1952 Dubrovnik Croatia U x XN4555

Society of the United Slavs

U d XU0823

Society of Uroradiology

SUR 1966 U d XJ8208

Society Taking Active Responsibility for International Self Help

STARFISH 1986 Yellow Springs OH USA U x XG7994

Socio Economic Awareness Research Programme

SEARP 1985 Khulna Bangladesh U x XN5680

Socio-cultural Association of the Mediterranean Basin

U x XG9521

Socio-Cultural Organization for Worldwide Awakening

The 7th World 1986 Alken Belgium U x XN2776

Socio-Economic Data Network for Asia and the Pacific

SEDNAP 1984 U d XF1959

SOCRATES Programme

1994 U dg XF3116

Socrates, Leonardo and Youth Technical Assistance Office

U d XK2042

Sodium Chlorate Sector Group

1992 U d XK1108

Soeurs du Très Saint-Sacrement et de la Charité de Bourges

1671 Bourges France U x XN7268

Sofia International Management School

Sofia Bulgaria U x XN0351
