International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Language Observatory

Besançon France U x XG7219

Language Unit for Cooperation in Europe

LUCE 1989 U d XE1542

Languages Club International

LCI U x XU9582

Langues et langage en Afrique centrale

Valbonne France U x XN5124

Large Herbivore Network

LHNet 1998 Tilburg Netherlands U d XM1964

Large Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia

LBA 1995 U d XE4477

Larry Gatlin and the Gatlin Brothers International

1979 Nashville TN USA U x XN3383

Larung International Association

Sleidinge Belgium U x XQ0323

Laser Association of Neurological Surgeons International

LANSI Houston TX USA U x XF3130

Lasitroc International

U x XU3089

Last Hope International

Aba Nigeria U x XG0241

Latin America - Mexico - Asia Association

1988 Reggio Emilia Italy U x XG4058

Latin America and the Caribbean Forest Information Network

1986 Santiago Chile U x XF1146

Latin America Christian Democratic Parties

U s XU7946

Latin America Community Assistance Foundation

LACA 1992 Castro Valley CA USA U fx XG8931

Latin America Digital Beat

LADB 1986 Albuquerque NM USA U x XN4183

Latin America Freight Conference Association

U s XU6509

Latin America Galvanizing Association

U dp XJ3590

Latin America Human Settlements Information Network

LATINAH 1979 U d XF0860

Latin America Mission

LAM 1921 U d XG5042

Latin America Parents Association, New York

LAPA 1975 Brooklyn NY USA U x XN4063

Latin America Research Unit

U x XG3023

Latin America-Caribbean Privatization Network

1996 U dg XF6553

Latin American - European Union Network for Wellbeing of Animals in Experimental Research


Latin American Academy of Mouth Pathology and Medicine

U x XJ1863
