International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Laboratory for International Fuzzy Engineering Research

LIFE 1989 U d XF3509

Laboratory of Education for Peace

LEP 1986 Thessaloniki Greece U x XG9451


1991 U d XG1843

Labour and Society International

LSI 1994 U d XG9006

Labour Committee on the Middle East

LCOME San Francisco CA USA U x XN6384

Laetare Catholic Youth International Holiday Centre

U x XU1877

LAFTA Council for Financial and Monetary Affairs

U s XU6531

Laity Committee of the Pacific

Avarua Cook Is U x XF6127

Lake Chad Research Institute

1975 Maiduguri Nigeria U jx XG8635

Lake Tanganika Fisheries Commission

1993 Accra Ghana U gpx XJ9216

Lake Victoria Research Initiative

VicRes 2002 U d XJ2900


1978 Annapolis MD USA U x XG6825

Lalmba Association

1963 U x XN5661

Lama Gangchen International Foundation

Delhi India U fx XG6630

Lama Gangchen World Peace Services Association

Milan Italy U x XG5578

Lamb and Lion Ministries

1980 McKinney TX USA U x XN9525

Laminating Materials Association

1985 U nx XN9340

Lampes de la fraternité

U x XU3637

Lancia Motor Club

1947 Wrexham UK U x XN4374

Land and Agriculture Policy Centre

LAPC Wits South Africa U x XG6861

Land Use and Land Cover Change

LUCC U d XE2266

Landcare International

LI U d XM2847

Landegg International University

U d XJ4414

Language and Asylum Research Group

LARG U dv XJ5126

Language Observatory

Besançon France U x XG7219
