International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

International Research Institute for Immigration and Emigration Politics


International Research Institute for Management Sciences

IRIMS 1976 Moscow Russia U gjx XF2379

International Research Institute for Radioecology, Norway

IRE U djp XU3365

International Research Institute of Philosophy and Psychology

U jx XG5132

International Research Network on Interethnic Politics and Migration

Ethnobarometer 1997 U d XF6741

International Research Network on Violence Against Women

IRNVAW 1995 U d XG6026

International Research Project for Communication Studies

1986 U d XE4066

International Researchers' Cooperation

IRC 1981 London UK U vx XF5249

International Reservation for the West Med

U x XU3992

International Resource Centre, Johannesburg

IRC U x XG5470

International Resource Group for the Horn of Africa

IRG 1994 Nairobi Kenya U x XE2403

International Resource Information Foundation

U fx XN8260

International Resource Network of Women of African Descent

IRNWAD 1982 Harare Zimbabwe U x XN5655

International Resources for the Improvement of Sight

IRIS 1996 U d XG9421

International Respiratory Disease Research Unit

IRDRU 1988 U d XK1033

International Rest Home for Journalists, Varna

U x XK1010

International Restructuring Education Network Europe

IRENE 1983 U d XF2071

International Resuscitation Research Center, Pittsburgh PA

Pittsburgh PA USA U n XJ4208

International Review Group of Social Science Research on Population and Development

IRG U d XE1661

International RFID Institute

IRFIDI 2012 U dj XJ7261

International Rhine Action Group

1973 U d XD9535

International Rhythm and Blues Association

1966 Chicago IL USA U x XN0057

International Rice Genebank

IRG 1977 U d XE5915

International Rice Genetic Resources Network

1990 U d XF5693

International Ritualistic Cast Association

Atlanta GA USA U x XQ0137
