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Organizations relating to Defence

Sistema de Cooperación entre las Fuerzas Aéreas Americanas / Tucson AZ, USA / Est. 1961
European Paratroopers Association / Est. 2001
Confédération interalliée des officiers de réserve / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1948
ANZUS Council / Est. 1951
International Fortress Council / Utrecht, Netherlands / Est. 1989
Southern African Defence and Security Management Network
Aquapol / Est. 2002
Commonwealth of Independent States Anti-Terrorism Center / Moscow, Russia
United Nations Global Programme Against Money Laundering, Proceeds of Crime and the Financing of Terrorism / Vienna, Austria / Est. 1997
Central European Air Traffic Services / Est. 1997
NATO Airborne Early Warning and Control Force Command / Geilenkirchen, Germany / Est. 1980
Inter-American Defense Board / Washington DC, USA / Est. 1942
Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe / Shape, Belgium / Est. 1951
Inter-American Committee Against Terrorism / Washington DC, USA / Est. 1999
North Atlantic Council / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1949
Peace 2000 Institute / Reykjavik, Iceland / Est. 1995
Allied Command Transformation / Norfolk VA, USA
Inter-American Defense College / Washington DC, USA / Est. 1962
Allied Command Operations / Shape, Belgium / Est. 1951
Australia Group / Barton ACT, Australia / Est. 1984
United Nations Standing Advisory Committee on Security Questions in Central Africa / New York NY, USA / Est. 1992
International Committee Buchenwald Dora and Commandos / Montreuil, France / Est. 1952
NATO Airborne Early Warning and Control Programme Management Organization / Brunssum, Netherlands / Est. 1978
Counter-Terrorism Committee / New York NY, USA / Est. 2001
Society for the Study of the Crusades and the Latin East / Haifa, Israel / Est. 1980
Euro-Atlantic Disaster Response Unit / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1998
SEEC-Forum for Western Balkans Defense Cooperation / Est. 2004
World EOD Foundation / Watford, UK
Nordisk Defence Club / Oslo, Norway / Est. 1889
United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo / Kinshasa, Congo DR / Est. 2000
EU Defence Environmental Network / Est. 2001
Le Cercle
United Nations Disengagement Observer Force / New York NY, USA / Est. 1974
Baltic Network for Infection Control and Containment of Antibiotic Resistance / Est. 2004
Missile Technology Control Regime / Est. 1987
KFOR / Pristina, Kosovo / Est. 1999
Democracy International / Est. 1979
Abolition 2000 - Global Network to Eliminate Nuclear Weapons / Oakland CA, USA / Est. 1995
United Nations Truce Supervision Organization / Jerusalem, Israel / Est. 1948
Five Power Defence Arrangements / Est. 1971
United Nations Peace-keeping Force in Cyprus / Nicosia, Cyprus / Est. 1964
International Action Network on Small Arms / Est. 1998
World Atlatl Association / Cheyenne WY, USA / Est. 1987
Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization / Vienna, Austria
South Eastern and Eastern Europe Clearinghouse for the Control of Small Arms and Light Weapons / Belgrade, Serbia / Est. 2002
Allied Joint Force Command Naples / Naples, Italy / Est. 1951
Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict / The Hague, Netherlands / Est. 2003
Baltic Naval Squadron / Tallinn, Estonia / Est. 1997
International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation / New York NY, USA / Est. 1997
United Nations Police / New York NY, USA

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