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16th of August 2021

As of 26 July 2021, travel to Finland is possible for all travelers who meet the following health requirements:

22nd of July 2021
Korea MICE Bureau launches a new marketing campaign for Korea Unique Venues, including a set of promotional videos and SNS contents.
9th of July 2021

Webinar on ‘Establishing Science and Technology Parks and the Lessons the Philippines can Learn from Other Asian Countries’ will be held on 15th July 2021 at 2PM (Philippines standard time).

7th of July 2021
Finnish Psychiatric Association hosted the first ever virtual Nordic Congress of Psychiatry on June 17-18, 2021. NCP is an esteemed international scientific psychiatric congress, organised every third year in a Nordic or a Baltic country. 

6th of July 2021
5th of July 2021

On June 10, 2021, the International Think Tanks Forum on Silk Sustainable Development was held in Hangzhou, China, the experts in the field of silk sustainability from China, Italy, France, India, Brazil made a keynote report, and shared professional interpretations on silk green production, carbon footprint accounting, Higg MSI Index improving, life cycle assessment, etc.

2nd of July 2021
La entrega de junio del Café Virtual ALACIP está a cargo del Grupo de Investigación sobre Partidos y Sistemas de Partidos en América Latina (GIPSAL), la co-coordinadora del grupo Jennifer Cyr (Universidad Torcuato di Tella- Red de Politólogas) invita a Julieta Suárez-Cao (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile - Red de Politólogas) y a Paula Muñoz (Universidad del Pacífico-Red de Politólogas) para conversar sobre la "Competencia partidaria en tiempos revueltos: Análisis de los procesos elector
17th of June 2021
The European Bat Research Symposium EBRS is organised every three years and has long-standing traditions, since bat researchers have met regularly ever since 1970. At the start of the 2010s, researchers from Turku, Finland decided to apply for the symposium in order to increase awareness of Finnish bat research and create new networks and cooperation opportunities.

14th of June 2021
Finland ranked first in this year's league table of sustainable development in more than 160 countries, according to a fresh report from the UN.


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