title:Fraud Item: International Conference on War-Affected Children USA 2012

Date sent:    Mon, 24 Sep 2012
Subject:    International Conference on War-Affected Children USA 2012
From:    Rebecca dav.rebec12@blumail.org
Dear Friend and Colleague,
On behalf of (CWV) Center for War Victims, It is my pleasure to invite you to International conference on war-affected children / Impact of Conflict on Women & Girls. taking place from November 20TH - 23TH 2012 in The United States and in Senegal, from November 26TH - 29TH 2012.

title:Fraud Item: Conference Invitation on World Congress against Sex Exploitation, Human Trafficking and Forced Labour

Send reply to:    alelvio@mynet.com
Date sent:    Sat, 15 Sep 2012
Subject:    2012 (WCSEHTFL) Conference Invitation on World Congress against Sex Exploitation, Human Trafficking and Forced Labour !!!
From:    Aletea Elvio alelvio@mynet.com
Dear Friend and Colleague,
It is my pleasure to invite you to World Congress against Sex Exploitation, Human Trafficking and forced labor (WCSEHTFL) 2012. taking place from take place from 16th to 18th October in New York and from 20th to 25th October 2012 in Madrid Spain.

title:New Reading Room at UN Library Named for Visionary American Philantropist John D. Rockefeller Jr

New Reading Room at UN Library Named for Visionary American Philantropist John D. Rockefeller Jr.

On the occasion of the 85th anniversary of the gift of John D. Rockefeller Jr. for the League of Nations Library, the United Nations will inaugurate a new reading room for the League of Nations and United Nations Archives.

The celebration will consist of two main events:

title:Fraud Item: Invitation Conference, Senegal and Brazil

Date sent:    Thu, 6 Sep 2012
From:  c.roberto69@ymail.com
Send reply to:    c.roberto69@ymail.com
Subject:    Invitation Conference, Senegal and Brazil
16.10.2012 - 25.10.2012
This invitation is being extended to you courtesy of Universal Awareness Foundation to participate in our forth coming conferences on Human trafficking, spread of HIV AIDS, Child Abuse and Racism.

title:Fraud Item: Domain Service Notice from domainsyst276@hotmail.com

Subject:    Domain Notification: - This is your Final Notice of Domain Listing
From:    Domain Services domainsyst276@hotmail.com
Priority:    High
Date sent:    Sun, 02 Sep 2012
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