International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

International Campaign for Economic Justice

ICEJ 1999 Philadelphia PA USA U x XF6150

International Campaign for Freedom and Peace

ICFP Cotonou Benin U x XG9358

International Campaign for Freedom and Relief

ICFR 1996 Cotonou Benin U x XN8147

International Campaign for Justice for the Victims of Sabra and Shatila

U x XN9862

International Campaign for the Defence of Women's Rights in Iran

U d XE2378

International Campaign to Ban Landmines

ICBL 1992 U dy XF3109

International Campaign to End Arms Transfers

1991 U x XU3626

International Campaign to Free Geronimo Ji Jaga Pratt

1988 Los Angeles CA USA U x XN6004

International Campaign to Indict Iraqi War Criminals

INDICT 1997 London UK U x XF5662

International Campaign to Safeguard Borobudur

1970 U dg XU9619

International Campaign to Safeguard Kathmandu Valley in Nepal

1975 U dg XK0065

International Campaign to Safeguard Moenjodaro in Pakistan

1966 U dg XK0064

International Campaign to Safeguard Paharpur and Bagerhat in Bangladesh

1974 U dg XK0070

International Campaign to Safeguard Sukhothai in Thailand

1975 U dg XK0067

International Campaign to Safeguard the Acropolis of Athens

1974 Paris France U gx XK0082

International Campaign to Safeguard the Archaeological Site of Carthage in Tunisia

1970 U dg XK0060

International Campaign to Safeguard the Cultural Heritage of Kenya

U dgp XK0084

International Campaign to Safeguard the Cultural Heritage of Tanzania

U dgp XK0087

International Campaign to Safeguard the Cultural Heritage of Uganda

U dgp XK0086

International Campaign to Safeguard the Cultural Triangle of Sri Lanka

1977 U dg XK0069

International Campaign to Safeguard the Historic Monuments and Sites of Haiti

1977 U dg XK0072

International Campaign to Safeguard the Monuments of Nubia

1960 U dg XU0786

International Campaign to Safeguard the Old City of Sana'a in Yemen

1979 U dg XK0062

International Campaign to Safeguard the Principal Monuments in Herat, Afghanistan

1975 U dg XK0066

International Campaign to Safeguard the Principal Monuments of Montenegro in Yugoslavia

1979 U dg XK0057
