International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Secretariat of Social Urban Cooperation

2000 U d XE4440

Secretariat of the Liaison Office for Local Third World Groups

Paris France U x XN2986

Secretariat of the Nordic Energy Information Libraries

SNEIL 1969 U d XE8038

Secretariat of Western European Left-Wing Socialist Groups

1965 U d XU0574

Secrétariat permanent des ONG

SPONG Ouagadougou Burkina Faso U x XG0496

Secrétariat permanent des peuples francophones

SPPF 1981 U d XF6901

Secrétariat permanent européen des conseils nationaux de femmes

1961 U x XU3965

Secretary Club

1980 Jupille-Haute Belgium U vx XF0060

Section des fleuristes du Marché commun de la Fédération européenne des unions professionnelles de fleuristes

FMC U dt XE0343

Sécu-Cités Mediterranean

U d XK1172

Secu-Cities Network

1995 U d XF3741

Sécurité sans frontières

1989 Grâce-Hollogne Belgium U x XN0311

Security and Defence Agenda

SDA U d XJ3437

SEE Change Net Foundation

2012 U df XM7312

Seeding the Network

1990 London UK U x XN8110

Seeds Action Network International

SAN 1985 U dy XF2049

SEFI Consulting

1992 Senningerberg Luxembourg U egx XF7195

Seismological Network for Central America and Panama

U px XU5026

Séjour de paix

U d XU7217

Self Help Development International

1984 U d XN5381

Self Transformation Network for a Just World

Mumbai India U x XN5583

Séminaire international pour l'étude de la flore et de la faune des Ardennes

U d XU0088

Séminaire international Saint-Pie X

Riddes Switzerland U x XG4851

Seminar Services International

U d XN1423

Seminario Evangelico del Caribe

San Juan Puerto Rico U x XG1315
