International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Shirshov Institute of Oceanography, Moscow

Moscow Russia U jx XN7705

Shoplifters Anonymous International

SAI 1977 Jericho NY USA U n XG5497

Short Cut to Development

1978 U x XG1592

Short Term Evangelical Missions International

STEM International 1984 Minneapolis MN USA U x XN8677

Shrimp Association of the Americas

1950 U x XU3219

Shrimp World

New Orleans LA USA U x XN1410

SHRM Global Forum

1991 U dv XE3634

Shukokai World Karate Union Europe

U x XU0784

Si nous parlions francophonie

1993 Lardy France U x XN7900

SidAlerte internationale

1990 U x XG6245

Siddha Shiva International

Mariakerke Belgium U x XN3654


Bukavu Congo DR U x XU2362

SIDS Europe

1991 U dv XD2653

SIDS International

1987 U d XF2229

SIFIDA Investment Company

1970 U de XF0558


U d XU8725


U d XE4432

Signals International Trust

SIT U x XU6282

SIGNIS Middle East

U x XJ0020

SIGNIS North America

Raleigh NC USA U x XK1597

SIL UK International Programmes

High Wycombe UK U d XG7743

SIM, the Society for International Ministries

1893 U d XG8321

Simón Bolivar International Center of Scientific Cooperation, Caracas

Caracas Venezuela U x XN5636

Simón Bolivar United World College of Agriculture, Venezuela

SBUWC 1986 U d XG4843

Simon Fredericq Foundation for the Comparative Study of Insurance Science

1990 Ghent Belgium U fx XG0279
