International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Small Countries Improve their Audiovisual Level in Europe

SCALE 1992 U x XF2727

Small Enterprise and Local Development Association

SELEDA 1993 U d XF3367

Small Enterprise Education and Promotion Network

SEEP 1985 Arlington VA USA U d XF1092

Small Industries Training Institute

SIET Hyderabad India U jnt XG8188

Small Island Water Information Network

SIWIN London UK U x XK1594

Small Ruminant Production Systems Network for Asia


Small Ruminants Research Network

SRNET 1989 U dv XF1043

Small Vessel Shipping Project

SVSP 1980 U dg XU5592

Smart Cities Initiative for North Africa

SCI-NA U x XM4196

Smart Set International

SSI 1948 U d XU0461

Smart User Group

SMUG 1985 Colchester UK U x XN8158

Smartshoppers International

1987 Edwardsville IL USA U x XN5998

SME Task Force

U d XF0657


1996 U d XE2768

Smile European Incentive Executives

Düsseldorf Germany U x XN5595

Smokepeace Europe

1995 U x XF4036

Smurf Collector's Club International

SCCI 1986 Massapequa NY USA U x XN2630

Snail Centre

Stamford UK U x XN8171

Snowball Project

Maastricht Netherlands U x XF3735

Snowballing Plea to Save the World Environment

Cotton Tree QLD Australia U x XG4944

Sobres pour les autres

1976 Lommel Belgium U x XN2235

SOCHAIR Organization (Europe)

2014 Edinburgh UK U n XM5193

Social & Human Capital Coalition

2018 U d AA1159

Social Alert International

1997 U d XG9669

Social European Cooperation

1995 Brussels Belgium U d XG3394
