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Society → Elderly

UN Sustainable Development Goals

GOAL 3: Good Health and Well-being

Organizations relating to Elderly

International Society for Chronobiology / Vigo, Spain / Est. 1937
Commonwealth Association for the Ageing
EURAG - European Federation of Older Persons / Prague, Czechia / Est. 1962
Confederación Latinoamericana de Trabajadores Jubilados, Pensionados y Adultos Mayores / Santo Domingo, Dominican Rep / Est. 1987
European Age Management Network / Est. 2010
European Group for Research into Elderly and Physical Activity / Netanya, Israel / Est. 1992
NGO Committee on Ageing, New York / New York NY, USA / Est. 1977
European Network for Safety among Elderly
International Academy on Nutrition and Aging / Auzeville-Tolosane, France / Est. 1999
European Seniors' Union / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1995
European Network of Green Seniors / Wilrijk, Belgium / Est. 2005
Veterana Esperantista Klubo / Rotterdam, Netherlands / Est. 1949
International Database on Longevity / Rostock, Germany / Est. 2000
International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse / Nassau NY, USA / Est. 1997
Crescendo Worldwide Network / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 2001
Survey in Europe on Nutrition and the Elderly / Wageningen, Netherlands / Est. 1987
Red Iberoamericana de Asociaciones de Adultos Mayores / Madrid, Spain / Est. 1996
International Federation of Little Brothers of the Poor / Paris, France / Est. 1979
Include Network / London, UK
World Council of Elders of the Ancient Traditions and Cultures / Boulder CO, USA
The Elders Foundation / London, UK / Est. 2007
Road Scholar - Elderhostel / Boston MA, USA / Est. 1975
British Association of Former United Nations Civil Servants / Kingham, UK / Est. 1977
International Council on Active Aging / Vancouver BC, Canada / Est. 2001
Access Exchange International / Est. 1991
European Network of Older-Volunteer Organizations / London, UK
Centro Iberoamericano de Tercera Edad / Havana, Cuba / Est. 1992
International Golden Oldies / Auckland, New Zealand
Unbound / Kansas City KS, USA / Est. 1981
International Council for Caring Communities / New York NY, USA / Est. 1994
Compassion Africa Aged Foundation / Kumasi, Ghana / Est. 2000
European Anti-Ageing Association
World Association for the Senior Citizens Union / Est. 1976
United Nations Programme on Ageing
Center on Global Ageing / Washington DC, USA / Est. 1996
Little Sisters of the Poor / Saint-Pern, France / Est. 1839
Oeuvres des dames du Calvaire / Lyon, France / Est. 1842
Little Sisters of the Poor and Aged / Est. 1873
Convention Concerning the Establishment of an International Scheme for the Maintenance of Rights under Invalidity, Old-age and Widows' and Orphans' Insurance / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 1936
Protocol to the European Agreement on Social Security Schemes Relating to Old Age, Invalidity and Survivors / Strasbourg, France / Est. 1953
Convention Concerning Compulsory Old-age Insurance for Persons Employed in Agricultural Undertakings / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 1933
Convention Concerning Compulsory Old-age Insurance for Persons Employed in Industrial or Commercial Undertakings, in the Liberal Professions, and for Outworkers and Domestic Servants / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 1933
Convention Concerning Invalidity, Old-age and Survivors' Benefits / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 1967
Convention Regarding Mutual Payment of Old-age Pensions / Est. 1949
European Committee to Develop Creativeness among the Aged / Est. 1971
Episcopal Society for Ministry on Aging
Housing for Older People in Europe / London, UK / Est. 1993
Afroelder International / Lusaka, Zambia
Geneva International Network on Ageing / Est. 1996
Technology Initiative for Disabled and Elderly People / Est. 1993

View all profiles (207 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations

Action Strategies relating to Elderly

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Committing murder of the aged
Using female hormone replacement therapy
Ensuring structured participation of elders
Providing for ageing people
Coping with population ageing
Increasing product longevity
Caring for the aged
Retarding ageing
Re-educating and employing elders
Promoting safety for older people at home
Strengthening monopoly of power by the elderly
Increasing housebound seniors' mobility
Reducing dependence of the aged
Protecting against vulnerability of elders' property
Supplying senior citizen transportation
Investigating murder of the aged
Correcting mental disorders of the aged
Treating drug abuse and alcohol dependency of the aged
Neglecting the elderly
Reporting negligent old age care
Limiting monopoly of power by the elderly
Treating fear of growing old
Fearing ageing
Increasing productivity of aged

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