Encyclopedia of World Problems - Archived Information

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Sustainable Development Declarations and Documents

The following documents were processed in connection with the coding procedure (described elsewhere) for 450 issues derived from a series of international documents (see checklist) and presented in tabular form in 6 parts.

1. Trade Unions (ICFTU): Environment and Development: The Trade Union Agenda (Caracas, 1992), 44 p. ( well structured and articulated)

2. Students (AIESEC): Youth Action Guide on Sustainable Development (Tokyo, 1990), 220 p. ( well written, but not structured as a declaration and not considered as such)

3. Global Initiative for the Security and Sustainable Use of Plant Genetic Resources (Oslo, October 1991) (consensus report but not a declaration; focused on Agenda 21)

4. Science (ICSU/TWAS): Agenda of Science for Environment and Development into the 21st century (ASCEND 21 Conference Statement, Vienna, November 1991), in Science International 45-46, July-December 1991, 6 p. (statements and recommendations in 59 points)

5. Industry/Business/Chambers of Commerce (ICC): Declaration of Second World Industry Conference on Environmental Management (Rotterdam, April 1991), 9 p. (commitments and recommendations in 47 points)

6. ECE: Ministerial Declaration on Sustainable Development in the ECE Region (Bergen, May 1990), 21 p. (29 points)

7. Universities: Role of Universities and University Presidents in Environmental Management and Sustainable Development (Talloires, October 1990), 6 p. (findings, recommendations, declaration)

8. ASEAN: Kuala Lumpur Accord on Environment and Development (June 1990), 4 p. (16 points)

9. Commonwealth: Langkawi Declaration on the Environment (Kuala Lumpur, October 1989), 2 p (25 points)

10. Science (African Academy of Sciences): Mbabane Declaration on Environment and Development: Scientific Initiatives (November 1991), 8 p.

11. Citizens Movements/ANGOC, ACFOD, APPROTECH (Southeast Asia): Puncak Pass Declaration on Peoples Participation and Sustainable Development (March 1990), 5 p. (not point structured)

12. Interregional Consultation on People's Participation in Environmentally Sustainable Development: The Manila Declaration on People's Participation and Sustainable Development (Manila, June 1989), 5 p. (8 points)

13. Canadian Youth Statement on Environment and Development (Nova Scotia, August 1991), 16 p. (107 points)

14. Earth Action: A Strategy for World-Wide Public Pressure to Protect Our Common Future (November 1991) 6 p. (not point structured)

15. Religious Communities for UNCED: Affirmations, Appeals and Pledges made by Religious Leaders (Campos do Jorao, Brazil, April 1992) 3 p. (16 points)

16. The Nairobi Declaration on Climatic Change. International Conference on Global Warming and Climatic Change: African Perspectives (May 1991), 20 p. (+ conference list; not point structure except for 25 recommendations)

17. Blue Planet: Now or Never. A Statement from the Blue Planet Group (8 points)

18. Ministerial Declaration on Environmentally Sound and Sustainable Development in Asia and the Pacific (no date), 5p. ( 32 points)

19. ECLAC, Ministers and representatives of the Latin American and Caribbean countries, Tlatelolco Platform of Environment and Development (UNCED Regional Conference, Mexico City, March 1991). ( 26 points)

20. Beijing Ministerial Declaration on Environment and Development (June 1991, representing 41 developing countries. (32 points)

21. Belém Declaration 1990: UN Workshop on Creative Financing for Environmentally Sound Technologies (Brazil, December 1990). (not point structure except for 10 mechanisms)

22. Second World Climate Conference (Geneva, November 1990).

  • Conference Statement 10 p.: Summary (3 points); Main conclusions and recommendations (22 points); Specific Issues (23 points); Organisational and Policy Issues for International Activities (23 points);
  • Ministerial Declaration, 9 p.: (13 points)
23. DNR/BUND: Statements from International Workshop on Environment and Development (Bonn, November 1991):
  • -- Climate and Development, 5 p., (9 points)
  • -- Biodiversity, 3 p., (no point format)
  • -- Resource Use and International Trade, 3 p.,
24. South Centre: Environment and Development - Towards a Common Strategy of the South in the UNCED Negotiations and Beyond (November 1991), 29 p.

25. Report on 3rd Summit of the World Major Cities (Montreal, October 1991), 40 p.

  • Declaration (9 points)
  • Background paper: Sustainable Urban Development by Peter Jacobs, 29 p.(not in point format)
26. Agenda Ya Wananchi, Citizens' Action Plan for the 1990's (Roots of the Future NGO Conference, Paris, December 1991), 36 p. (5 principles + 21 areas of commitment)

27. Caring for the Earth - A Strategy for Sustainable Living (IUCN/UNEP/WWF), 228 p. + Summary.(not in point format).

28. NGO Charters, Declarations, Alliances - The Northern Perspective. A review by Terje Larsen and Elin Enge in Roots of the Future : Compendium of Citizens Movements Responses to Environment and Development Challenges, (ElCI, December 1991), 18 p.

29. International Council of Voluntary Agencies.

  • Making Common Cause Internationally : A Policy Statement and Action Plan for International Development, Environment and Population NGOs (November 1989, prepared as response to Brundtland Report) (3 part/8 point Action Plan + 3 Recommendations)
  • Relations Between Southern and Northern NGOs: Policy Guidelines, 4 p., (42 points)
30 Bridging the Gap - An Agenda for Action. Non-Governmental Conference of Environment and Development (Danube, March 1990), 9 p. (67 points + Youth Plan of Action (not in point form))

31 International Peace Bureau: Disarm for Life - a message for UNCED (March 1991), 2 p. (not in point form)

32 Alliance of Northern People for Environment and Development - Political Framework, 2 p. In Roots of the Future (#28; .+ many others in this compendium of Roots of the Future)

33 NGO Conference on Energy (Celakovice, June 1991), 4 p. (conference statement, not in point form)

34. African Charter for Popular Participation in Development. Statement from the International Conference on Popular Participation in the Recovery and Development Process in Africa (Arusha, Tanzania, February 1990), 14 p. (32 points)

35. Global Action Plan for the Earth. Household EcoTeam Workbook. (US edition, 1990), 145 p. (not a declaration but an effective action plan and feedback system towards quantified global environmental goals).

36. Latin American and Caribbean Commission on Development and the Environment. Our Own Agenda (1990), 93 p. (Well structured and written "Brundtland-like" report to UNCED, but not easy to take points)

37 92 NGO Forum, Japan (Tokyo, no date).

  • Agenda 21, Japan: People's Action Plan, Japan Towards 21st Century, 5 p., (5 major points)
  • Earth Charter, Japan: People's Forum, Japan, 4 p., (12 major points)
38. NGO Statement to UNCED from the Seminar on Environment and Development (Penang, July 1991), 4 p. (22 points)

39. The Morelia Declaration (Michoacan, Mexico, September 1991), 3 p. (5 points)

40. Final Report of the Seminar "Poverty and Environment - What Prospects? (Tunis, April 1991). (around 30 points)

Also consulted:

Environment Liaison Centre International. Roots of the Future: Compendium of Citizens Movements Responses to Environment and Development Challenges. ELCI, 1991.

King, Alexander & Schneider, Bertrand. The First Global Revolution; a report by the Council of the Club of Rome. New York, Pantheon, 1991.

Union of International Associations. Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential. München, K G Saur Verlag, 1991, 2 vols, 3rd ed.

World Commission on Environment and Develomment. Our Common Future. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1987 (Brundtland Report)