International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

International Centre for Trade and Statistical Overview

U tx XJ2614

International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development, Geneva

ICTSD 1996 U dyt XE2879

International Centre for Training and Consultation in Informatics, Russia

Paris France U x XG5062

International Centre for Training and Research in Tropical Sericulture

ICTRETS 1979 Mysore India U x XF6221

International Centre for Training in Environmental Sciences

1975 U dg XF5348

International Centre for Transportation Studies

ICTS 1980 Rome Italy U x XN4039

International Centre for Tropical Agriculture

1967 Cali Colombia U d XE4637

International Centre for Underutilized Crops

ICUC 1992 U d XF4600

International Centre for Water Resources Management

U x XU6553

International Centre for Yogic Arts and Sciences

ICYAS Toronto ON Canada U x XG9980

International Centre Humanae Vitae

1968 U d XF0049

International Centre Musicological Works in Progress

U d XK1815

International Centre of Art and Thought

U x XU2668

International Centre of Artists

Antwerp Belgium U x XN0695

International Centre of Biocybernetics of the Polish Academy of Sciences

MCB 1988 Warsaw Poland U x XG2429

International Centre of Business Cooperation, Almaty

Almaty Kazakhstan U x XN8101

International Centre of Business Corporation

U x XN7260

International Centre of Chuo University

1981 Tokyo Japan U x XN6600

International Centre of Cooperative Research and Development in Microbial Engineering

Osaka Japan U x XG0120

International Centre of Coordination for Non-Violence

U x XU1143

International Centre of Culture for the Development of Peoples

Genoa Italy U x XG8563

International Centre of Documentation and Information

1959 Buenos Aires Argentina U x XN1401

International Centre of Dokkyo University

Soka Japan U x XN6602

International Centre of Education, Integral and Future Studies

Aurodarshan Hyderabad India U x XG6088

International Centre of Education, Science and Culture, Ukraine

U x XU5662
