International Union of Notaries

Union internationale du Notariat (UINL)
Unión Internacional del Notariado
Unione Internazionale del Notariato

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The UIA is a leading provider of information about international non-profit organizations. The aim of the Open Yearbook is to promote the activities of international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs).

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1948-10-02 Buenos Aires Argentina


Previous statutes approved 25 May 1989, Amsterdam (Netherlands); modified: 30 Apr 1992, Cartagena de Indias (Columbia); 12 Feb 1994, Vienna (Austria); 30 Sep 2001, Athens (Greece); 20 Oct 2002, Valencia (Spain). Current statutes approved 8 Nov 2005, Rome (Italy).


Promote study and standardization of notarial legislation; secure progress, stability and advancement of the Latin notarial system; contribute experience and advice to those practising law in the sphere of individual rights, whether commercial, family, inheritance or property matters; establish offices for international notarial exchange.


27 past events available with paid subscription only.


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General Meeting of Member Chambers of Notaries; Permanent General Council; Executive Steering Committee; Supervisory Financial Council; International Congress of Notaries (every 3 years); President (elected every 3 years); Administrative Secretariat; Working Groups. Continental Commissions (4): K-XK0235 - Commission for African Affairs; K-XK0229 - Commission for American Affairs (CAA); Commission for Asian Affairs (CAAs); K-XK0037 - Commission for European Affairs. Intercontinental Commissions: K-XK0122 - Commission for International Notarial Cooperation; Advisory (CC); Themes and Congresses (CTC); Notarial Social Security (CSSN); Notarial Deontology (CDN); Human Rights (CDH).


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Consultative Status

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Relations with Inter-Governmental Organizations

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Relations with Non-Governmental Organizations

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Type I Classification

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Subjects *

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UN Sustainable Development Goals **

GOAL 5: Gender EqualityGOAL 16: Peace and Justice Strong Institutions



Last News


* Subject classification is derived from the organization names and aims.
** UN SDGs are linked to the subject classification.

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