UIA Document Archive

Title Author Yearsort ascending Tags
Deliverables Ecolynx
Strategic opportunity framework Ecolynx
Practical challenges and responses Ecolynx
Language and translation issues Ecolynx
Data sources and ownership Ecolynx
Data security and copyright Ecolynx
Data quality, review and update Ecolynx
Interactivity with CD-ROM and Web users Ecolynx
Profile of user groups Ecolynx
Marketing Ecolynx
Income generation/Not-for-profit Ecolynx
Costs to users of obtaining information Ecolynx
Conclusions and recommendations Ecolynx
Multimedia and the World Wide Web - A European Perspective Ecolynx
Ecolynx Project Presentation Video Ecolynx
Ecolynx Project: progress reports Ecolynx
INFO2000 Project "Conservation" Presentation Ecolynx
INTERCEPT: Proposal for infoDev activity Intercept
Introduction Intercept
Participating Organizations Intercept
infoDev programme objectives & Category of activity Intercept
Total activity cost Intercept
Funding requested from infoDev Intercept
Abstract Intercept
INTERCEPT Project: Detailed description Intercept
Product description - project outputs and benefits Intercept
Comparison and relationship to other information products Intercept
Project objectives and discussion Intercept
Innovative features Intercept
Marketing plan / communication strategy Intercept
Evaluation indicators Intercept
Geographic scope Intercept
Creation and acquisition of physical or intellectual assets Intercept
Staffing Intercept
Timetable Intercept
Activity budget Intercept
Source of funds Intercept
UIA InfoDev proposal: response to reviewers Intercept
Notes Intercept
Compatibility of objectives Intercept
Stakeholders and their needs Intercept
Economic aspects Intercept
Partnerships Intercept
Local involvement and training Intercept
Data and data flows Intercept
Deliverables and evaluation Intercept
Evaluation indicators Intercept
Relevance and demand Intercept
Workpackages Intercept
Focus Intercept
