title:Sustainable Development Issues: Clustered by Principal Subject (Population)
Derived from international declarations:
Agenda 21 (1992), Brundtland Report and various NGO and government declarations (see checklist).
Derived from international declarations:
Agenda 21 (1992), Brundtland Report and various NGO and government declarations (see checklist).
Derived from international declarations:
Agenda 21 (1992), Brundtland Report and various NGO and government declarations (see checklist).
Derived from international declarations:
Agenda 21 (1992), Brundtland Report and various NGO and government declarations (see checklist).
The following documents were processed in connection with the coding procedure (described elsewhere) for 450 issues derived from a series of international documents (see checklist) and presented in tabular form in 6 parts.
1. Trade Unions (ICFTU): Environment and Development: The Trade Union Agenda (Caracas, 1992), 44 p. ( well structured and articulated)
Description of a process of clustering of some 450 issues identified in the Brundtland Report, Agenda 21, and in sectoral declarations (see checklist). The coding procedure is described elsewhere.
Based on combinations of functions presented in Figure 1. Wordings are indicative only. See also Figure 2. For each 3-letter code in the table below, the first line indicates a functional ("constructive") approach second line indicates a dysfunctional ("destructive") approach. See also use in triangular areas of icosidodecahedral
See commentary and significance of codes (single and triangular area). Also Alternate A
See commentary and significance of codes (single and triangular area). Also Alternate B
This note is an experimental outline of a proposed contract between participants at a meeting. It is designed to acknowledge specifically the interacting roles at the shadowy "roundtable" hidden within every meeting. This roundtable and the relationships are illustrated by Figure 1. The emphasis is on the nature of the specific contractual bonds between participants. Metaphoric roles explored are:
Edited by the Union of International Associations, Published by K.G. Saur München. 4th edition, 1994-95, 3 vols., ca. 3000 pages, hardcover. ISBN 3-598-11165-7. (The three books are also available as individual volumes.)