title:15.1 Pattern accumulation in a learning society
1. Reliance on conceptual solid ground
1. Reliance on conceptual solid ground
This section provides commentaries on pattern learning related to the Global Strategies and Solutions area of the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential
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1. Patterns of interlocking
1. Constraints on communicability
This section provides commentaries on comprehension related to the Global Strategies and Solutions area of the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential
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1. Varieties of form
In the light of the arguments in previous notes concerning fourfoldness as providing the basis for the minimal conceivable system through which distinct domains could be related, it is possible, as Mushakoji noted, that recent work on catastrophe theory can clarify the kinds of discontinuity which might then become apparent. Clearly knowledge of the forms such discontinuities take is necessary if the dynamics of such a developing system are to be encompassed conceptually.
1. Nonlinear cybernetics
Edgar Taschdjan has recently suggested that if cybernetics is to move beyond its current preoccupation with the "simplified world of abstract models", it appears to be necessary to develop a "nonlinear cybernetics able to handle regulations which are time-dependent and dialectic rather than mechanistic". (1982). Many world modelling exercises are based on such simplified models.
1. Aural cultures
In aural cultures, in contrast to the Western emphasis on a visually-based "linear kind of movement, which disclosed a perspectival, three-dimensional space and linear time...the audial space-time structure opened by sound...was articulated not only by rhythm and cyclically recurring movements, but movement itself became the base of all contexts (structures), and the sources of meaning within each and every field of experience". (de Nicolas, 1978, p. 845)
2. Challenging abstractions
This section provides commentaries on embracing difference related to the Global Strategies and Solutions area of the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential
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1. Emancipation from particular languages
A philosopher of language, Antonio de Nicolas, has studied the limitations of single languages as a vehicle for complex, action-oriented, human-centred meaning. His use of "language" corresponds to "answer" as used here. For him one of the most widespread misleading misconceptions is the implied existence or possibility of one universally adequate language (1978, p. 190).