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Organizations relating to Values

World Values Survey Association / Vienna, Austria / Est. 1981
European Commission of the Nobility / Paris, France / Est. 1959
The Commonwealth Association / London, UK / Est. 2001
IUCN WCPA Specialist Group on Cultural and Spiritual Values of Protected Areas / Wageningen, Netherlands / Est. 1998
International Association for Human Values / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 1997
Values Caucus at the United Nations / New York NY, USA / Est. 1994
Asia-Pacific Network for International Education and Values Education / Quezon City, Philippines / Est. 1995
World Order Models Project / Est. 1966
State of the World Forum / Mill Valley CA, USA / Est. 1995
Avaaz Foundation / New York NY, USA / Est. 2007
Eurasian Association of Contitutional Review Bodies / Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan / Est. 1997
West-East Bridges Foundation / Amsterdam, Netherlands / Est. 2011
TeachBeyond / Winnipeg MB, Canada / Est. 1954
International Branch of the YMCA, New York / New York NY, USA / Est. 1911
Asociación Internacional Juventud Idente / Rome, Italy / Est. 1975
International Society for Value Inquiry / Bynum NC, USA
KAIROS Foundation / Totnes, UK
Insanligi Birlestiren Bilgiyi Yayma Vakfi / Istanbul, Türkiye / Est. 1994
Henri La Fontaine Foundation / Mons, Belgium / Est. 2011
Foundation Global Values Alliance / Basel, Switzerland
Observatory on Values and Education in Humanity
Jacob Soetendorp Institute for Human Values / The Hague, Netherlands / Est. 2001
Fédération d'initiatives chrétiennes pour l'Europe / Est. 1986
FORUMBrussels International
Web Art Garden International / Bridport, UK
Association Guillaume Budé / Paris, France / Est. 1917
Legatus / Ave Maria, USA / Est. 1987
International Beliefs and Values Institute / Bellingham WA, USA / Est. 2004
Institute for International Studies of Values in Politics, Philadelphia / Philadelphia PA, USA / Est. 1960
Vézelay Group / Est. 1987
Asociatia de Tineret pentru Prietenie Europeana / Bucharest, Romania / Est. 1993
Ecumenical Coalition for Economic Justice / Est. 1973
New Dimensions Foundation / Ukiah CA, USA / Est. 1973
Muslim Home
International Peace University, Potsdam / Berlin, Germany / Est. 1995
Associazione Internazionale Lateranense / Est. 1996
Washington Institute for Values in Public Policy / Est. 1982
Human Values for Transformative Action / Bowling Green OH, USA
Catholic Anglophone Media Association of West Africa / Est. 1982
Centre for the Study of Judaism and Jewish-Christian Relations / Birmingham, UK / Est. 1989
International Centre for Comparative Research of Culture and Values
European Training Network / Paris, France
G-14 European Football Clubs Grouping / Est. 2000
Resource Group: A Foundation for New Perspectives in Global Collaboration / Est. 1982
NGO Committee on Spirituality, Values and Global Concerns / Est. 2002
World Indigenous Coalition for ActioN / Victoria BC, Canada
International Federation for the Defence of Fundamental Human Values / Paris, France
Mouvement universitaire pour la recherche des valeurs absolues
Theosophy Science Centre / Chennai, India / Est. 1962
International Islamic Council for Dawah and Relief / Khartoum, Sudan

View all profiles (101 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations

World Problems relating to Values

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Lack of integration of regulatory programmes into other socio-economic programmes
Social breakdown
Imbalances in the distribution of the costs and benefits of economic integration
Domination of economic integration by transnational corporations
Attenuation of group relationships
Disintegration of organized religion
National disintegration
Lack of integration of transport systems between neighbouring developing countries
Inadequate regional integration of countries
Social fragmentation
Ethnic disintegration
Breakdown of local community cohesion
Forced assimilation
Lack of wisdom system
Political fragmentation
Cultural fragmentation
Family breakdown
National political disintegration

Action Strategies relating to Values

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Offering adequate integration
Reducing disintegration
Establishing comprehensive health centres
Inspiring intentional personal coherence
Implementing comprehensive community education
Communicating comprehensive health awareness
Generating comprehensive accountability
Giving attention to comprehensive education
Providing comprehensive protest to problems
Reducing national disintegration
Building technological capability
Providing sufficient integration in society
Abstaining from integration of transport systems among neighbouring developing countries

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