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UN Sustainable Development Goals

GOAL 10: Reduced Inequality


A people is any plurality of persons considered as a whole. Used in politics and law, the term "a people" refers to the collective or community of an ethnic group or nation. The term "the people" refers to the public or common mass of people of a polity. As such it is a concept of human rights law, international law as well as constitutional law, particularly used for claims of popular sovereignty.

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Organizations relating to People

COMMACT - Commonwealth Network for People-Centred Development / Est. 1990
European Popular Culture Association / Turku, Finland / Est. 2011
Universidad CLAEH / Montevideo, Uruguay / Est. 1957
Bali Process on People Smuggling, Trafficking in Persons and Related Transnational Crime / Bangkok, Thailand / Est. 2002
Up With People / Denver CO, USA / Est. 1965
People and Plants International / Bristol VT, USA / Est. 1992
Indigenous World Association / Kahnawake QC, Canada / Est. 1981
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals / Norfolk VA, USA / Est. 1980
Solidarity for ASEAN People's Advocacy / Bangkok, Thailand / Est. 2006
Red Interamericana de Fundaciones y Acciones Empresariales para el Desarrollo de Base / Bogota, Colombia / Est. 2002
PECAS Centres Network
All-African People's Organization / Kano, Nigeria / Est. 1986
PHD Foundation / Kobe, Japan / Est. 1981
Alternatives - Action and Communication Network for International Development / Montréal QC, Canada
Centre for African Settlement Studies and Development / Ibadan, Nigeria / Est. 1990
Hope International Development Agency / New Westminster BC, Canada / Est. 1975
Washington Office on Africa / Washington DC, USA / Est. 1972
Grassroots Action / Est. 1990
Chosen People Ministries / New York NY, USA / Est. 1894
Knights of Columbus / New Haven CT, USA / Est. 1882
People and Culture / Paris, France / Est. 1945
World Russian People's Council / Moscow, Russia
Peter Hesse Foundation - Solidarity in Partnership for One World / Erkrath, Germany / Est. 1983
International People's Health Council / Managua, Nicaragua
People and Planet / Wantage, UK / Est. 1969
Global Grassroots / Portsmouth NH, USA / Est. 2004
Liberal Association for the Movement of People / Kolkata, India / Est. 1978
Collectif interafricain des habitants / Yaoundé, Cameroon
Foundation for the Welfare and Education of Asian People / Tokyo, Japan / Est. 1969
USA for Africa / Los Angeles CA, USA / Est. 1985
People First International / Salem OR, USA / Est. 1974
Renovabis - Solidaritätsaktion der deutschen Katholiken mit den Menschen in Mittel- und Osteuropa / Freising, Germany / Est. 1993
Asian People's Disability Alliance / Wembley, UK / Est. 1988
Grassroots Global Justice Alliance / Miami FL, USA / Est. 2005
Afghanistan World Foundation / New York NY, USA / Est. 2002
Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change / Potsdam, Germany / Est. 2011
Burners Without Borders / San Francisco CA, USA
Helping Other People / Bronx NY, USA / Est. 2001
Tomorrow People Organization / Belgrade, Serbia / Est. 2002
Mensen met een Missie / The Hague, Netherlands
International Community Education Association / Est. 1974
South Asian Network of Self-Help Organizations of People with Disabilities / Delhi, India
Asian Council for People's Culture / Quezon City, Philippines / Est. 1985
International Confederation of Universities of the People / Est. 1910
People's International League / Est. 1849
International Office for People's Education / Est. 1908
International Office of People's Houses / Est. 1950
Asian Committee for People's Organization / Est. 1971
Mondcivitan Republic / Est. 1956
Congress of the People of Europe / Est. 1956

View all profiles (275 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations

World Problems relating to People

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Involuntary mass resettlement
Social exclusion
Abuse of native peoples
Socio-economic poverty
Collective panic
Expropriation of land from indigenous populations
Age discrimination in employment

Action Strategies relating to People

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Providing grassroots health care
Investing in people
Improving access to contraceptives for unmarried people
Conserving nature communally
Employing people in conservation programmes
Improving coordination among public, NGOs, indigenous people and local communities
Striving towards a good society
Mitigating adverse impacts between people and environment
Protecting groups and people with special needs
Bringing government closer to the people
Strengthening productive capacity of low-income groups
Tolerating individual differences
Ensuring public participation for sustainable agriculture
Holding community meetings
Enabling local control of mass media
Strengthening intergovernmental cooperation with nongovernmental organizations
Providing for ageing people
Beautifying people
Training people to use credit
Forming community partnerships
Preventing internal displacement of peoples
Involving people in loan planning
Managing people-centred development
Promoting grassroots cooperation against crime

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