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Development → Development

Organizations relating to Development

International Society for the Reform of Criminal Law / Vancouver BC, Canada / Est. 1987
Global Renewable Fuels Alliance / Est. 2009
Association of African Development Finance Institutions / Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire / Est. 1975
Southern African Institute for Environmental Assessment / Windhoek, Namibia
Sociedad Iberoamericana para el Desarrollo de las Biorrefinarias / Lisbon, Portugal
International Institute for Sustainability Analysis and Strategy / Darmstadt, Germany / Est. 2012
Caribbean Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency / St Michael, Barbados
East African Centre of Excellence for Renewable Energy and Efficiency / Kampala, Uganda / Est. 2016
IIED América-Latina / Buenos Aires, Argentina / Est. 1988
African Centre of Meteorological Applications for Development / Niamey, Niger / Est. 1987
Regional Cooperative Program for the Technological Development and Modernization of Coffee Cultivation in Central America, Panama, Dominican Rep and Jamaica / Guatemala, Guatemala
UNU Institute for Natural Resources in Africa / Accra, Ghana / Est. 1986
Enhanced Heavily Indebted Poor Countries Initiative / Washington DC, USA / Est. 1996
United Nations Committee for Development Policy / New York NY, USA / Est. 1964
SEAMEO Regional Centre for Quality Improvement of Teachers and Educational Personnel in Language / Jakarta, Indonesia / Est. 2009
International Center for Peace and Development / Napa CA, USA / Est. 1989
ASEAN-AVRDC Regional Network on Vegetable Research and Development / Tainan, Taiwan / Est. 1999
Inter-American Council for Integral Development / Washington DC, USA / Est. 1996
Pacific Financial Technical Assistance Centre / Suva, Fiji / Est. 1993
UNECE Committee on Forests and the Forest Industry / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 1947
Programa Cooperativo para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Agroalimentario y Agroindustrial del Cono Sur / Montevideo, Uruguay / Est. 1980
United Nations Regional Centre for Peace, Disarmament and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean / Lima, Peru / Est. 1987
Caribbean Fisheries Training and Development Institute / Chaguaramas, Trinidad-Tobago / Est. 1974
Council of Non-Governmental Organizations for Development Support / Dakar, Senegal / Est. 1982
Commission on Science and Technology for Sustainable Development in the South / Islamabad, Pakistan / Est. 1994
United Nations Sustainable Development Group / New York NY, USA / Est. 1997
European Crisis Management Academy / Leiden, Netherlands / Est. 2000
UN Special Programme for the Economies of Central Asia / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 1998
Bretton Woods Institutions
SEAMEO Regional Centre for Quality Improvement of Teachers and Education Personnel in Mathematics / Yogyakarta, Indonesia
International Institute of Rural Reconstruction / New York NY, USA / Est. 1960
Latin American and Caribbean Education Innovation Network / Santiago, Chile / Est. 2000
Vienna NGO Committee on the Family / Vienna, Austria / Est. 1985
Organisation pour la mise en valeur du fleuve Sénégal / Dakar, Senegal / Est. 1972
Center of Arab Women for Training and Research, Tunis / Tunis, Tunisia / Est. 1993
INOGATE Programme / Kiev, Ukraine / Est. 1996
European Sports Workforce Development Alliance / Lyon, France
Inter-American Agency for Cooperation and Development / Washington DC, USA / Est. 1999
Women's Working Group on Financing for Development / Quezon City, Philippines / Est. 2007
UNESCO Asia and Pacific Regional Bureau for Education / Bangkok, Thailand / Est. 1961
Latin American and Caribbean Demographic Centre / Santiago, Chile / Est. 1957
Office of the United Nations Special Coordinator for the Middle East Process / Jerusalem, Israel / Est. 1994
African Development Institute / Tunis, Tunisia
Gulf Arab States Educational Research Centre / Shameya, Kuwait / Est. 1978
Comisión Trinacional para el Desarrollo de la Cuenca del Rio Pilcomayo / Asunción, Paraguay / Est. 1995
Organization for Democracy and Economic Development / Kiev, Ukraine / Est. 1997
Inter-American Institute on Disability and Inclusive Development / New York NY, USA / Est. 1999
Caspian Environment Programme / Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan / Est. 1998
Comisión Centroamericana de Ambiente y Desarrollo / La Libertad, El Salvador / Est. 1989
SEED / Nairobi, Kenya / Est. 2002

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