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Transportation, Telecommunications → Communications

UN Sustainable Development Goals

GOAL 9: Industry, Innovation and InfrastructureGOAL 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities

Organizations relating to Communications

International Association for the History of Transport, Traffic and Mobility / Lancaster, UK / Est. 2006
Federación Centroamericana de Transportes / San José, Costa Rica / Est. 1970
Pacific Maritime Transport Alliance / Suva, Fiji / Est. 1978
European Security Transport Association / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1975
International Association for Communication in Healthcare / Salisbury, UK / Est. 2001
CAR 2 CAR Communication Consortium / Braunschweig, Germany / Est. 2002
Confederación Iberoamericana de Asociaciones Científicas y Académicas de la Comunicación / Est. 2009
European Transport Research Alliance / Berlin, Germany / Est. 2012
International Association of Communication Activists / Est. 2012
UNESCO Office, Jakarta - Regional Bureau for Sciences in Asia and the Pacific / Jakarta, Indonesia / Est. 1951
Railway Transport Committee of the Maghreb / Algiers, Algeria / Est. 1964
Pontifical Council for Social Communications / Vatican City, Vatican / Est. 1948
UNIDO International Solar Energy Centre for Technology Promotion and Transfer / Lanzhou, China / Est. 2006
Committee on Information / New York NY, USA / Est. 1978
International Industry Working Group / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 1970
INFOYOUTH - Worldwide Information Network on Youth Related Issues / Paris, France / Est. 1992
Instituto Latinoamericano de la Comunicación Educativa / Mexico City, Mexico / Est. 1956
INOGATE Programme / Kiev, Ukraine / Est. 1996
United Nations Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods and on the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 1953
European Committee of the Regions / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1993
Joint Ministerial Committee of the Boards of Governors of the Bank and the Fund on the Transfer of Real Resources to Developing Countries / Washington DC, USA / Est. 1974
Transported Asset Protection Association Asia / Singapore, Singapore
Transported Asset Protection Association Europe / Newport, UK
Air Transport Research Society / College Park MD, USA / Est. 1995
CIVITAS / Szentendre, Hungary / Est. 2002
Interagency Operations Advisory Group / Washington DC, USA / Est. 1999
Global Shippers' Forum / Cranbrook, UK / Est. 1994
European Conference of Transport Research Institutes / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 2003
Association for Progressive Communications / Melville, South Africa / Est. 1990
European Civil Aviation Conference / Neuilly-sur-Seine, France / Est. 1954
World Print and Communication Forum / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 2004
Nordisk Transportpolitisk Nettverk / Aalborg, Denmark / Est. 1998
International Forum for Road Transport Technology / Melbourne VIC, Australia / Est. 1986
Pro Communicatio Nordica / Finspång, Sweden
Carbon Sequestration Leadership Forum / Washington DC, USA / Est. 2003
ECHELON Network / Est. 1971
Initiative Transport Europe / Altdorf, Switzerland / Est. 1995
Network on European Communications and Transport Activity Research / Enschede, Netherlands / Est. 1985
Worldwide Quality EXpress System /Network/ / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1995
Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport / Corby, UK / Est. 1919
Arab Bridge Maritime Company / Aqaba, Jordan / Est. 1987
Conférence internationale des doyens des facultés de chirurgie dentaire d'expression totalement ou partiellement française / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1992
Communicating with Disaster Affected Communities Network / London, UK / Est. 2009
Five Eyes
African Freedom of Expression Exchange / Accra, Ghana
West-East Bridges Foundation / Amsterdam, Netherlands / Est. 2011
Network of National ITS Associations / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 2004
European Automobile Clubs / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 2008
Zentrum für Wissenschaftliche Kommunikation mit Ibero-America / Tübingen, Germany
Centre d'études des transports pour la Méditerranée occidentale / Barcelona, Spain / Est. 1985

View all profiles (1161 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations

World Problems relating to Communications

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Freezing of plumbing systems
Limited market development
Outdated production line methods
Environmental hazards from transport systems
Emissions from combustion engines
Manipulation of transfer prices by transnational corporations
Inadequate transport infrastructure
Inadequate rail transport facilities
Environmental hazards from transmission of electricity
Lack of integration of transport systems between neighbouring developing countries
Lack of adherence to international transit conventions
Inadequate road and highway facilities
Inadequate transport systems for isolated islands
Inadequate air transport service
Unreliable transit services
Defective municipal water delivery equipment
Increase in product transport distances
Covert transfer of strategic technology
Labour displacement
Restrictive transport insurance practices
Retreating snow lines
Transfer of industries to low-wage countries
Psychosocial effects of transport systems
Transport and storage of hazardous radioactive material
Excessive numbers of freight vehicles

Action Strategies relating to Communications

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Transport planning
Promoting North-South environment and development
Researching transport
Gathering transport data
Facilitating international transit of goods
Harmonizing transport of dangerous goods
Creating appropriate transport systems
Harmonizing transport rules
Guaranteeing transport insurance provisions
Improving blood lines
Developing guidelines on safety procedures for biotechnology
Improving land registration systems
Assisting transfer of corpses
Assessing transfer of energy technologies
Conserving energy in transportation
Improving urban transport
Developing international understanding
Strengthening data collection on environment and transport linkages
Developing safety procedures for the transfer and use of biotechnology
Protecting transport rights of land-locked countries
Improving international cooperation on the transfer of biotechnology
Ensuring maintenance of public transport and infrastructure
Supporting regional transfer of chemical safety information
Increasing mobility of funds across borders

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