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Fundamental Sciences → Material


A material is a substance or mixture of substances that constitutes an object. Materials can be pure or impure, living or non-living matter. Materials can be classified on the basis of their physical and chemical properties, or on their geological origin or biological function. Materials science is the study of materials, their properties and their applications.

– syndicated content from Wikipedia

Organizations relating to Material

Trades Union International of Workers in the Building, Wood, Building Materials and Allied Industries / Nicosia, Cyprus / Est. 1949
International Society for Construction with Alternative Materials / Leuven, Belgium / Est. 1992
African Materials Research Society / Accra, Ghana / Est. 2002
Latin American Federation of Building, Wood and Building Materials Unions / Salvador, Brazil
European Renewable Raw Materials Association / Langen, Germany
International Confederation of Construction and Building Materials Industry Workers' Unions / Moscow, Russia
European Network of Materials Research Centres / Zwijnaarde, Belgium
IASPEI/IAVCEI Joint Commission on Physics and Chemistry of Earth Materials / Miami FL, USA / Est. 1996
Far East Oceanic Fracture Society / Pohang, Korea Rep / Est. 1987
International Institute for FRP in Construction / Kingston ON, Canada / Est. 2003
International Mesostructured Materials Association / Shanghai, China / Est. 2000
European Virtual Institute on Knowledge-Based Multifunctional Materials / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 2007
World Nuclear Fuel Market / Norcross GA, USA
International Disk Drive Equipment and Materials Association / San Jose CA, USA / Est. 1986
Versailles Project on Advanced Materials and Standards / Teddington, UK / Est. 1982
European Nanoporous Materials Institute of Excellence / Stuttgart, Germany
Materials World Network / Evanston IL, USA / Est. 1995
Institute of Materials Engineering, Australasia / Melbourne VIC, Australia / Est. 1946
Foundation for Fundamental Research on Matter / Est. 1946
International Center for Materials Research / Santa Barbara CA, USA
Universalis Matter / Paris, France
Network of African Countries on Local Building Materials and Technologies / Nairobi, Kenya / Est. 1985
European Association for Tapes, Braids, Elastic Materials / Est. 1959
Latin American Federation of Workers of the Construction Industry, Wood and Building Materials / Est. 1969
International Association for Materials Testing / Est. 1884
International Association for Psychotronic Research / Luxembourg, Luxembourg / Est. 1973
European Paper Institute / Est. 1979
International Association on Layered and Graded Materials / Est. 2003
International Ferrocement Society / Tavares FL, USA / Est. 1991
Nordiska Samarbetskommittén för Materialforskning och- Provning
Groupement des utilisateurs de matériaux réfractaires / Est. 1967
Arab Federation of Construction, Wood and Building Materials
International Materials Conference / Est. 1951
Asian-Australasian Association for Composite Materials / Est. 1997
International Centre for Materials Technology Promotion / Beijing, China
UNU Institute for Integrated Management of Material Fluxes and of Resources / Dresden, Germany / Est. 2012
European Composite Industry Forum / Leusden, Netherlands
International Centre for Materials Science and Technology / Accra, Ghana / Est. 1995
Institute of Materials Finishing / Birmingham, UK / Est. 1925
Secondary Materials and Recycled Textiles / Abingdon MD, USA / Est. 1932
International Institute for Complex Adaptive Matter / Davis CA, USA
International Community for Composites Engineering / New Orleans LA, USA
International Center for Materials Nanoarchitectonics / Ibaraki, Japan
International Congress on Hydrogen and Materials / Saint-Ouen, France
International Symposium on the Effects of Radiation on Structural Materials / Philadelphia PA, USA
World Forum on Advanced Materials / Denton TX, USA / Est. 1992
International Metallurgy and Materials Congress / Ankara, Türkiye
International Conference on Mechanics of Composites / Est. 2014
International Conference on Materials and Mechanisms of Superconductivity / Est. 1988
Agreement on the Implementation of a European Concerted Action Project in the Field of Metallurgy on the Topic - Materials for Gas Turbines / Est. 1971

View all profiles (253 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations

World Problems relating to Material

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Limited plumbing material
Distraction by the material world
Human consumption of animals
Abusive experimentation on humans
Instability of the commodities trade
Over-use of formaldehyde in building materials and personal products
Proliferation of nuclear weapons and technology
Corporate control of genetic material
Insufficient use of natural resources
Dangerous materials in frontier areas
Inaccessible religious records
Vulnerable nuclear weapons arsenals
Stockpiles of nuclear warfare material
Unstable supply of raw materials
Illegal exports of nuclear materials
Unavailability of building materials
Suspended matter in water
Transport and storage of hazardous radioactive material
Atmospheric corrosion of materials
Fatigue in materials
Irresponsible transfer of sensitive technologies
Resource consumption exacerbated by price distortions
Criminal offences against the environment
Structural failure

Action Strategies relating to Material

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Accessing online information
Shifting from energy- to information-intensive societies
Promoting audio-visual material in third world
Using materials balance accounting
Publishing materials about adolescent sexuality
Preventing nuclear proliferation
Decomposing organic materials
Harmonizing transport of dangerous goods
Increasing productivity of material resources
Maintaining library
Reducing materials throughput
Intensifying existing resource use
Preempting abusive use of non-renewable resources
Campaigning against the export of toxic materials
Confining availability of materials
Supplying nuclear materials
Protecting the human genome
Recycling building materials
Using stress-tolerant plant materials for rehabilitating land
Patenting of genetic material
Increasing availability of plant materials for afforestation
Combining formal and non-formal training using modern materials
Providing nuclear safeguards
Uncoupling economic growth from growth in resource use
Shifting from materials-intensive growth in developed countries

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