Global Civil Society & the UN Sustainable Development Goals

Goal 8: Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all

Decent Work and Economic Growth

Goal 8 is about promoting inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all.

Multiple crises are placing the global economy under serious threat. Global real GDP per capita growth is forecast to slow down in 2023 and with ever increasing challenging economic conditions, more workers are turning to informal employment.

Globally, labour productivity has increased and the unemployment rate has decreased. However, more progress is needed to increase employment opportunities, especially for young people, reduce informal employment and labour market inequality (particularly in terms of the gender pay gap), promote safe and secure working environments, and improve access to financial services to ensure sustained and inclusive economic growth.

The global unemployment rate declined significantly in 2022, falling to 5.4 per cent from a peak of 6.6 per cent in 2020 as economies began recovering from the shock of the COVID-19 pandemic. This rate was lower than the pre-pandemic level of 5.5 per cent in 2019.

Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II

Women's Earth and Climate Action Network, International

WECAN 2011 Mill Valley CA USA G

Women's Empowerment International

WE 2003 San Diego CA USA N

Women's Enterprises International

WEI 1999 Seattle WA USA G

Women's International News Gathering Service

WINGS 1986 Denman Is BC Canada G

Women's International Zionist Organization

WIZO 1920 Tel Aviv Israel F

Women's Link Worldwide

Madrid Spain G

Women's World Banking

WWB 1976 New York NY USA F

Women's WorldWide Web

W4 2012 Paris France F

WomenStrong International



2013 Johannesburg South Africa F


2002 Vienna Austria F v

Work and Economy Research Network in the European Churches


Workability International

1987 Sydney NSW Australia D

Workarea Art-Ambient

WAAM 1980 Cairo Montenotte Italy F

Worker Rights Consortium

WRC 2000 Washington DC USA G

Workers Hub For Change

WH4C 2007 Neusiedl am See Malaysia F

Workers International Struggles Initiative


Workers World Party

1959 New York NY USA N

Workflow Management Coalition

WfMC 1993 Cohasset MA USA C y

Working Group on Criteria and Indicators for the Conservation and Sustainable Management of Temperate and Boreal Forests

Montreal Process 1994 Tokyo Japan E

Working Group on Tourism and Development

1977 Basel Switzerland G

Working Time Society

WTS 2001 Cambridge MA USA D


1997 Lewes UK N

World Academy of Art and Science

WAAS 1960 Puducherry India B v

World Academy of Productivity Science

WAPS 1969 Montréal QC Canada G

World Agricultural Information Centre

WAICENT 1992 Rome Italy K g

World Agroforestry Centre

ICRAF 1977 Nairobi Kenya E

World Alliance of Cities Against Poverty

WACAP 1997 New York NY USA F

World Alliance of Mobile Indigenous Peoples

WAMIP Ahmedabad India J

World Alliance of Young Men's Christian Associations

YMCA 1855 Vernier Switzerland B

World Animal Protection

1981 London UK B

World Aquaculture Society

WAS 1970 Sorrento LA USA C

World Assemblies of God Relief and Development Agency

WAGRA Springfield MO USA K

World Association for Cooperative Education

WACE 1983 Lowell MA USA F

World Association for Political Economy

WAPE 2004 Shanghai China C

World Association for Small and Medium Enterprises

WASME 1980 Noida India B

World Association for Sport Management

WASM 2012 New Taipei City Taiwan B y

World Association for Supported Employment

WASE 1995 Willemstad Netherlands C

World Association for Sustainable Development

WASD 2003 London UK C

World Association for Transport Animal Welfare and Studies

TAWS 1989 Chertsey UK G y

World Association of Former United Nations Internes and Fellows

WAFUNIF 1978 New York NY USA E

World Association of Industrial and Technological Research Organizations

WAITRO 1970 Nanjing China B yt

World Association of Public Employment Services

WAPES 1989 Brussels Belgium C

World Association of Visioneers and Entreprenologists

WAVE 1991 Honolulu HI USA G

World Autism Organisation

WAO 1998 Windhoek Namibia C

World Aviation MBA Association

WAMBA Hoofddorp Netherlands G

World Bank - WWF Alliance for Forest Conservation and Sustainable Use

WB - WWF Forest Alliance 1998 Washington DC USA E

World Bank Administrative Tribunal

WBAT 1980 Washington DC USA F g

World Bank Group Staff Association

1972 Washington DC USA E v

World Bank Institute

WBI 1955 Washington DC USA E gj
