Union douanière et économique de l'Afrique centrale (UDEAC)

Central African Customs and Economic Union (CACEU)
Unión Aduanera y Económica de Africa Central

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1964-12-08 Brazzaville Congo Brazzaville


8 Dec 1964, Brazzaville (Congo Brazzaville), on signature of Brazzaville Treaty by Heads of State of Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo and Gabon, which entered into force 1 Jan 1966, following protocol signed 11 Feb 1964, Fort-Lamy. Replaced Equatorial Customs Union -- Union douanière équatoriale (UDE), set up 23 Jun 1959, by H-XH0404 - Conference of Heads of State of Equatorial Africa, the Heads of State of the 4 previous colonies comprising Afrique équatoriale française (AEF) - Central African Republic, Chad, Congo and Gabon - which had become independent in 1960; and the subsequent Union douanière équatoriale-Cameroun (UDE-Cameroun) set up on signature of a convention on economic relations and customs between UDE and the Cameroon, 23 Jun 1961, Bangui (Central African Rep). Under the terms of the Brazzaville Treaty, UDE was also succeeded by UDEAC Solidarity Fund -- Fonds de solidarité de l'UDEAC. Central African Republic and Chad withdrew, Apr 1968, to form, together with Congo-Kinshasa, the short-lived H-XF0270 - Union des Etats de l'Afrique centrale (UEAC). Central African Republic rejoined UDEAC in Dec 1968. On 8 Dec 1974, Yaoundé (Cameroon), a revised treaty was signed by Cameroon, Central African Republic, Congo and Gabon. D-XD4308 - Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS) was formed with the addition of Angola, Burundi, Chad, Rwanda, Sao Tomé-Principe and Zaire as members, following an agreement with F-XF5516 - Communauté économique des pays des Grands Lacs (CEPGL), which was ratified on 19 Oct 1983, Libreville (Gabon), and entered into force on 18 Dec 1984. Equatorial Guinea joined UDEAC in 1983 and Chad rejoined in 1984, ratified at meeting of Heads of State, 17-19 Dec 1987, Brazzaville. Council of Heads of State, Dec 1991, set up a study with a view to: relaunching a policy of economic and social integration; consolidating members' experience in economic and monetary cooperation through reinforcement of common currency; ordering macro-economic policies; setting up a regional legal framework for investment and growth; achieving a single market; setting up common sectoral policies. This resulted in the setting up of F-XF3714 - Communauté économique et monétaire d'Afrique centrale (CEMAC), 16 Mar 1994, replacing UDEAC and at the same time absorbing E-XD6441 - Union monétaire de l'Afrique centrale (UMAC). E-XE3882 - Union économique de l'Afrique centrale (UEAC), which is a CEMAC institution, has gradually taken over the activities of UDEAC. This transition was formalized in a agreement signed by the Council on 5 Feb 1997, Libreville, effective 1 Jan 1998.


Establish an ever-closer union among member states so as to reinforce sub-regional solidarity; promote gradual and progressive establishment of a Central African Common Market and subsequently, through establishment of this sub-regional grouping, participate in the creation of a true African Common Market and the consolidation of African unity. The following mechanisms have been adopted: the principle of common customs legislation and regulation and adoption of a common customs tariff with respect to third countries; elimination of impediments to inter-state trade, encouraging free movement of goods, property and capital in the whole region, so as to extend national markets and improve the living standard of the population; establishment of an active policy of aid among member countries through a solidarity fund; harmonious development of members' economies by adoption of arrangements which take into account the interests of all and of each and of compensating in an adequate manner and by measures appropriate to the situation of the least economically developed countries, notably by harmonization of industrialization policies, by equitable distribution of Community projects and by coordination of development programmes in the different production sectors.


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Council of Heads of State (meets at least annually). Management Committee, consisting of Ministers of Finance and Ministers of Economic Development of each member state (meets at least twice a year). General Secretariat, restructured Apr 1992, comprises: Secretary General; Deputy Secretary General; Economic and Legal Advisers; Inter-State Accounting Agent; Financial Controller; Departments (7): Administrative and financial; Customs Union; Fiscal harmonization; Commerce and free movement; Transport and communication; Sectoral coordination; Research; Statistics and forecasting. Includes: F-XF4535 - Banque des Etats de l'Afrique centrale (BEAC), which became an organ of UDEAC in 2 Apr 1973; F-XF4179 - Banque de développement des Etats de l'Afrique centrale (BDEAC), set up 3 Dec 1975.

Other organs, either existed, existing or proposed: H-XE0554 - Institut sous-régional multisectoriel de technologie appliquée, de planification et d'évaluation de projets (ISTA); E-XE1552 - Institut sous-régional de statistique et d'économie appliquée (ISSEA); U-XE1968 - Communauté économique du bétail, de la viande et des ressources halieutiques en UDEAC (CEBEVIRHA-UDEAC); U-XJ0449 - Société communauté de réassurance en UDEAC-RE; U-XJ9138 - Société communautaire des produits pharmaceutiques en Centrafrique.


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GOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth



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