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The UIA is a leading provider of information about international non-profit organizations. The aim of the Open Yearbook is to promote the activities of international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs).
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Available with paid subscription only.Aims
Support development of a larger democratic family of nations within a prosperous and stable Europe; provide financial and technical assistance in key areas to beneficiary Central and Eastern European governments in order to restructure their economies towards market-oriented systems and enable them to rejoin the mainstream of European development through future membership of the European Union; assist applicant countries in preparing to join the EU and acquiring capacity to implement the acquis communautaire; contribute to creation of an administrative, regulatory, financial and commercial environment; provide start-up capital to stimulate private sector growth; invest in areas of social and environmental concern.
Available with paid subscription only.Structure
Available with paid subscription only.Staff
Available with paid subscription only.Finance
Available with paid subscription only.Relations with Inter-Governmental Organizations
Cooperates with: U-XK0853 - Community Actions for Cooperation in Science and Technology with the Countries of Central and Eastern Europe (COPERNICUS); H-XE3670 - EuropeAid Cooperation Office (AIDCO); H-XF2416 - ECHO; H-XF1754 - TEMPUS IV. Links with:
- H-XF4911 - Black Sea Environmental Programme (BSEP);
- F-XF5087 - Central European Initiative (CEI);
- D-XD0766 - EFTA;
- F-XF2419 - European Environment Agency (EEA);
- U-XK1036 - Institute for Energy (Petten IE);
- C-XC3023 - OECD;
- U-XF7195 - SEFI Consulting;
- E-XE7358 - Statistical Office of the European Union (Eurostat);
- Trans-European Energy Networks (TEN-E);
- E-XE9798 - WHO Regional Office for Europe.
Relations with Non-Governmental Organizations
Principal Partners in Democracy Programme listed in this Yearbook:
- G-XG1953 - Centre for Defence Studies (CDS);
- E-XE0412 - Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe (CCBE);
- F-XF6035 - European Federation of Food, Agriculture and Tourism Trade Unions (EFFAT);
- D-XD1435 - The European Law Students' Association (ELSA);
- U-XE7101 - European Trade Union Institute (ETUI);
- E-XF1293 - Friends of the Earth Europe (FoEE);
- U-XG1955 - Future of Europe Trust;
- G-XG7971 - Institut für Europäische Politik, Berlin (IEP);
- E-XE1918 - International Centre for Minority Studies and Intercultural Relations (IMIR);
- G-XG6306 - Istituto Sindicale per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo (ISCOS Cisl);
- U-XE6036 - Kentro Erevnon gia tis Ginekes tis Mesogiu (KEGME);
- G-XG0732 - Milieukontakt International;
- F-XF0172 - Minority Rights Group International (MRG);
- F-XF1181 - Operation Romanian Villages International;
- U-XG1831 - Plunkett Foundation;
- B-XB2374 - Public Services International (PSI);
- U-XG1961 - Trans Atlantic Dialogue on European Broadcasting;
- H-XC3513 - Youth for Development and Cooperation (YDC).
Supports: U-XJ3055 - Baltic Palette Cooperation Network; D-XM1643 - La Strada International (LSI).
Links with:
- U-XF4029 - Alfa TV;
- D-XD3807 - CEEMAN - International Association for Management Development in Dynamic Societies (CEEMAN);
- U-XE3181 - Centre européen de ressources sur les reconversions et les mutations (CERRM);
- E-XE2922 - Conseil européen des jeunes agriculteurs (CEJA);
- U-XF3861 - Energy Strategies for Sustainable Development;
- D-XE8512 - European Association of Co-operative Banks (EACB);
- D-XD0972 - European Association of Distance Teaching Universities (EADTU);
- D-XD0678 - European Community of Consumer Cooperatives (EURO COOP);
- H-XF2411 - European Human Rights Foundation (EHRF);
- U-XK1607 - European Public Law Centre (EPLC);
- E-XE0511 - European Savings and Retail Banking Group (ESBG);
- D-XD0515 - European Steel Association (EUROFER);
- G-XG9241 - Institute of Baltic Studies (IBS);
- H-XD4983 - International Association of Community TeleService Centres (CTSC International);
- C-XC1913 - International Federation of Film Producers' Associations;
- B-XB2772 - International Union of Railways (UIC);
- U-XG2266 - Istituto di Studi Latinoamericani, Milano (ISLA);
- G-XG6809 - PartnersGlobal.
Available with paid subscription only.Members
Available with paid subscription only.Type I Classification
Available with paid subscription only.Type II Classification
Available with paid subscription only.Subjects *
UN Sustainable Development Goals **
** UN SDGs are linked to the subject classification.
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