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Societal Problems → Maltreatment

Organizations relating to Maltreatment

African Jurists' Association / Dakar, Senegal / Est. 1979
Caribbean Coalition for Development and Reduction of Armed Violence / Port-of-Spain, Trinidad-Tobago
Comité européen pour la prévention de la torture et des peines ou traitements inhumains ou dégradants / Strasbourg, France / Est. 1987
Asian Human Rights Commission / Hong Kong, Hong Kong / Est. 1984
Committee on Enforced Disappearances / Geneva, Switzerland
International Observatory of Violence in the School Environment / Nice, France / Est. 1998
International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour and Forced Labour / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 1992
Refugee Council / London, UK / Est. 1951
Jamaat ul-Fuqra / Est. 1980
Institute on the Holocaust and Genocide / Jerusalem, Israel / Est. 1979
UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women / New York NY, USA / Est. 1996
Global Anti-Aggression Campaign / Est. 2003
European Violence in Psychiatry Research Group / Est. 1997
Virtual Global Taskforce / Washington DC, USA / Est. 2003
Coalición Latinoamericana para la Prevención de la Violencia Armada
Centro Latinoamericano de Estudios sobre Violencia y Salud 'Jorge Careli' / Rio de Janeiro, Brazil / Est. 1989
Center for Victims of Torture / St Paul MN, USA / Est. 1985
Wisconsin Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies / Stevens-Point WI, USA / Est. 1985
International Association of Forensic Nurses / Elkridge MD, USA / Est. 1992
Interreligious Foundation for Community Organization / New York NY, USA / Est. 1967
Antenna International / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 1984
University of Peace, Namur / Namur, Belgium / Est. 1960
Hulp aan de Verdrukte Kerk / Hemiksem, Belgium / Est. 1966
Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation / New York NY, USA / Est. 1929
Project Ploughshares / Waterloo ON, Canada / Est. 1976
American Anti-Slavery Group / Boston MA, USA / Est. 1993
Samaritans / Ewell, UK / Est. 1953
Institute for the Study of Genocide, New York / New York NY, USA / Est. 1982
REDRESS / London, UK / Est. 1992
School of the Americas Watch / Washington DC, USA
International Forum / Copenhagen, Denmark
Organization for Defending Victims of Violence / Teheran, Iran Islamic Rep / Est. 1988
African Centre for Treatment and Rehabilitation of Torture Victims / Kampala, Uganda / Est. 1993
World Hope International / Alexandria VA, USA / Est. 1996
Cummings Institute for World Justice / Woburn MA, USA
United to End Genocide / Washington DC, USA / Est. 2011
Organisation internationale contre l'esclavage moderne / Marseille, France / Est. 2001
Global Women P.E.A.C.E. Foundation / Centreville VA, USA / Est. 2010
Joint Arab Defence Council / Cairo, Egypt / Est. 1950
Société des juristes francophones du Commonwealth / Est. 1996
Southern African Network on Disappearances
Japanese Red Army / Est. 1971
Befrienders Worldwide / Harrow, UK / Est. 1974
Asociación de Suicidologia de Latinoamérica y el Caribe / Est. 2000
Global South Watch / Est. 2004
Group of Friends United against Human Trafficking / Est. 2010
Wilberforce Institute for the Study of Slavery and Emancipation / Hull, UK / Est. 2006
Fondation Auschwitz - Centre d'études et de documentation / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1980
International Task Force on Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide / Steubenville OH, USA / Est. 1987

View all profiles (545 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations

World Problems relating to Maltreatment

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Socially acceptable excuses for environmental abuse
Unethical practices relating to development
Misuse of sex
Excessive environmental protectionism
Host desecration
Physical aggression
Inadequate employment grievance procedures for sexual harassment
Messy suicide
Harm to innocent bystanders
Subjugation of woman to man in marriage
Abusive inter-firm cooperation
Incitement to genocide
Fear of abuse of power
Denial of rights of mental patients
Violence on screen
Gypsy persecution
Uncontrolled satellite broadcasting
Capital punishment
Cruelty to animals
Exploitation of forest biological resources
Dehumanization of death
Manipulative cults
Overexploitation of underground water resources
Restrictive business practices in relation to patents and trademarks

Action Strategies relating to Maltreatment

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Reducing ethnic discrimination
Combatting sexual harassment in the workplace
Countering exploitation of women's image
Monitoring human rights violations
Decomposing organic materials
Resisting domestic violence
Preventing over-fishing
Campaigning against childhood genital mutilation
Preempting abusive use of non-renewable resources
Studying genocide

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