Society → Maternity, Paternity
Organizations relating to Maternity, Paternity
Nordic Adoption Council / Fredensborg, Denmark / Est. 1995
Latin American Center for Perinatology/Unit of Woman and Reproductive Health / Montevideo, Uruguay / Est. 1970
SEAMEO Regional Centre for Early Childhood Care Education and Parenting / Bandung, Indonesia / Est. 2017
Euradopt / The Hague, Netherlands / Est. 1993
Platform for European Fathers / Utrecht, Netherlands / Est. 2011
European Research Network About Parents in Education / Milan, Italy / Est. 1993
International Order of Old Bastards / Southport QLD, Australia / Est. 1945
Global Mamas / Minneapolis MN, USA
Organisation de la mère maghrébine
United Nations African Mothers' Association / New York NY, USA / Est. 1984
African Mothers Health Initiative
Every Mother Counts / New York NY, USA
Mother Health International
Global Health Promise
The Dame Jane Foundation / Auckland, New Zealand / Est. 2010
European Federation of Rudolf Steiner Waldorf School Parents / Est. 1992
Union internationale pour la liberté d'enseignement / Est. 1950
Inter-American Parents' Union / Est. 1952
Permanent International Committee of Mothers / Est. 1956
International League of Mothers and Women Teachers for the Promotion of Peace / Est. 1928
World Organization of Mothers of All Nations / Est. 1947
International Maternal and Child Health Foundation Canada / Montréal QC, Canada / Est. 2012
Adopt International / San Francisco CA, USA / Est. 1983
Parents United International / Modesto CA, USA / Est. 1972
Aid to Children Without Parents / San Jose CA, USA / Est. 1988
Mamas for Africa / Leuven, Belgium / Est. 1999
Attachment Parenting International / Alpharetta GA, USA
Collection of Maintenance Allowances / Est. 1931
Convention on Jurisdiction, Applicable Law and Recognition of Decrees Relating to Adoptions / The Hague, Netherlands / Est. 1965
Convention of 6 Feb 1931 Containing Certain Provisions of Private International Law Regarding Marriage, Adoption and Guardianship / Est. 1953
Inter-American Convention on Conflict of Laws Concerning the Adoption of Minors / Washington DC, USA / Est. 1984
Protocol Concerning the Adhesion of States Not Represented at the Third Conference on Private International Law to the Convention of June 12 1902, Regulating the Guardianship of Minors / Est. 1923
Convention Containing Certain Provisions of Private International Law Regarding Marriage, Adoption and Guardianship / Est. 1931
Convention Relating to the Establishment of the Maternity of Illegitimate Children / Est. 1962
Convention on Jurisdiction, Applicable Law, Recognition, Enforcement and Cooperation in Respect of Parental Responsibility and Measures for the Protection of Children / The Hague, Netherlands / Est. 1996
Convention Respecting Reciprocity in the Granting of Maternity Assistance / Est. 1953
Convention Extending the Competence of Authorities Qualified to Record the Affiliation of Illegitimate Children / Est. 1961
Convention Concerning the Revision of the Maternity Protection Convention / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 2000
Convention Concerning Maternity Protection / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 1952
Convention on Protection of Children and Cooperation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption / The Hague, Netherlands / Est. 1993
Convention Relating to the Settlement of Guardianship of Minors / Est. 1902
Final Protocol Relative to the Adoption of General Rules Respecting the Dimensions of Goods Trucks / Est. 1912
Final Act of the Intergovernmental Conference on the Adoption of a Travel Document for Refugees / Est. 1946
Agreement on the Adoption of the Inter-American Manual on Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways / Washington DC, USA / Est. 1979
Konvention innehållande internationellt privaträttslig bestämmelser om äktenskap, adoption och förmynderskap / Est. 1931
International Adoption Network
International Association of Parents of the Deaf / Est. 1965
Union européenne des écoles de grands-parents / Paris, France
National and International Adoption Organization / Est. 1983
Commission européenne de contact des fédérations de parents d'élèves / Est. 1962
View all profiles (203 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations
World Problems relating to Maternity, Paternity
From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human PotentialExcessive child-bearing
Maternal malnutrition
Discrimination against unmarried mothers
Maternal mortality
Unnatural methods of conception of same-sex parents
Opposition to population control and family planning
Unsuitable international adoptions
Discrimination against women in parental rights
Vulnerability of children to AIDS
Illiteracy among women
Ignorance of women concerning primary health care
Discrimination against men in parental rights
Negative effects of maternity
Inadequate maternal and child health care
Paternal negligence
Sexual abuse of wards
Deteriorating social environments for raising children
Neglect of elderly in institutional care
Forced separation of parents and children
Action Strategies relating to Maternity, Paternity
From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human PotentialAdopting
Producing universal declaration on sustainability
Educating in midwifery
Fostering breastfeeding
Adopting transsexual behaviour
Promoting maternal and child care
Living simply
Promoting home-schooling
Researching maternal/child care
Promoting voluntary human extinction
Instituting integrated management of water catchments
Affirming motherhood
Promoting sustainability through cross-sectoral dialogue
Adopting integrated approaches to sustainable development
Romanticizing motherhood
Changing consumption patterns
Providing assistance to single parents
Promoting paternal involvement in child rearing
Adopting laws to prevent the illegal export or import of hazardous waste
Adopting sustainable infrastructure policies
Developing national shelter strategies
Supplying family planning services
Reducing maternal mortality rates
Adopting environmentally sound energy options
Focusing on wholeness
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