Health Care → Concern
Organizations relating to Concern
Circle of Concerned African Women Theologians / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 1989
Network of Concerned Historians / Groningen, Netherlands / Est. 1995
Union of Concerned Scientists / Cambridge MA, USA / Est. 1969
Association of Concerned Africa Scholars / Urbana IL, USA / Est. 1977
African Concern International / Freetown, Sierra Leone
Center of Concern / Est. 1971
Concerned Philosophers for Peace / Forest Grove OR, USA / Est. 1983
Concern for Development Initiatives in Africa / Dar es Salaam, Tanzania UR
Rainforest Concern / Bath, UK / Est. 1993
Maryknoll Office for Global Concern / Washington DC, USA
Global Concern / Sydney NSW, Australia
Public Concern Foundation / New York NY, USA / Est. 1975
International Christian Concern / Washington DC, USA / Est. 1995
Convention and Statute on the Regime of Navigable Waterways of International Concern / Est. 1921
Additional Protocol to the Convention on the Régime of Navigable Waterways of International Concern / Est. 1921
South Asian Environment Concern / Delhi, India
Committee of Concerned Africans / Est. 1980
NGO Committee on Spirituality, Values and Global Concerns / Est. 2002
Ecumenical Partnership for International Concerns / Quezon City, Philippines
Latin American Chapter of IULA / Quito, Ecuador / Est. 1981
Clergy and Laity Concerned / Decatur GA, USA / Est. 1965
NGO Alliance on Global Concerns and Values
World Concern International / Seattle WA, USA / Est. 1955
Concern Worldwide / Dublin, Ireland / Est. 1968
Concern America / Santa Ana CA, USA / Est. 1972
United Purpose / Cardiff, UK / Est. 1976
PCI Global / San Diego CA, USA / Est. 1961
Association of Christian Institutes for Social Concern in Asia / Bengaluru, India / Est. 1970
South Asian Concern / Sutton, UK / Est. 1989
View all profiles (58 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations
World Problems relating to Concern
From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human PotentialImport of foodborne disease
Excessive commercial exploitation of farm animals by industrial concerns
Action Strategies relating to Concern
From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human PotentialIntegrating demographic and sustainable development concerns in education
Integrating employment, development and environmental concerns
Lobbying on environmental issues
Seeking immortality
Advancing interests of women
Developing national strategies for sustainability
Including demographic concerns in international programmes for sustainable development
Reconciling environmental concerns and development needs
Ensuring environmental standards do not lead to unjustified trade restrictions
Integrating environment and development in decision-making
Integrating biodiversity concerns into development project planning
Integrating environmental concerns in regional development policies
Setting assessment priorities for toxic chemicals of global concern
Incorporating children's concerns in sustainable development policies and strategies
Creating productive employment relating to the environment
Mainstreaming family issues
Caring about problems
Integrating biodiversity concerns with urban economic development
Being concerned with dancing
Integrating biodiversity concerns into liability mechanisms
Integrating biodiversity concerns into economic development planning
Integrating biodiversity concerns into marine resource policies
Eliciting active parent participation
Focusing particular current concerns
Accounting for special political interests
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