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Research, Standards → Nomenclature


Nomenclature is a system of names or terms, or the rules for forming these terms in a particular field of arts or sciences.. The principles of naming vary from the relatively informal conventions of everyday speech to the internationally agreed principles, rules, and recommendations that govern the formation and use of the specialist terminology used in scientific and any other disciplines.

– syndicated content from Wikipedia

Organizations relating to Nomenclature

International Society for Nomenclature of Paediatric and Congenital Heart Disease / Est. 2000
International Institute for Terminology Research / Bergen, Norway / Est. 1989
International Specialized Terminology Organization / Est. 2002
International Association of Terminology / Est. 1982
International Commission for the Nomenclature of Cultivated Plants / Woking, UK / Est. 1955
IAGOD Commission on Paragenesis / Tübingen, Germany
Arab Centre for Human Resources Development / Est. 1975
Regulations Regarding Nomenclature with Respect to Diseases and Causes of Death / Est. 1949
Convention on the Nomenclature for the Classification of Goods in Customs Tariffs / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1950
International Convention on the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1983
Regulations no 1 Regarding Nomenclature of Diseases and Causes of Death / Est. 1948
Convention on Uniformity of Nomenclature for the Classification of Merchandise / Est. 1923
Convention for the Definition of Aggression, 4 July 1933 / Est. 1933
Protocol of Amendment to the Convention on the Nomenclature for the Classification of Goods in Customs Tariffs / Est. 1955
Convention for the Definition of Aggression, 3 July 1933 / Est. 1933
Réseau international de néologie et de terminologie / Est. 1986
Pan African Centre for Terminology
International Institute for Transnationalizing Specialized Terminology
European Association for Terminology / Barcelona, Spain / Est. 1996
Arabization Coordination Bureau / Rabat, Morocco / Est. 1961
Red Iberoamericana de Terminologia / Mexico City, Mexico / Est. 1987
IUBMB-IUPAC Joint Commission on Biochemical Nomenclature / Menlo Park CA, USA / Est. 1977
International Commission on Symbols, Units, Nomenclature, Atomic Masses and Fundamental Constants / Est. 1931
International Committee on Bionomenclature / London, UK / Est. 1995
International Network for Terminology / Vienna, Austria / Est. 1988
Gesellschaft für Terminologie und Wissenstransfer / Est. 1986
International Conference on Multilingual digital terminology today - Design, representation formats and management systems
NORDTERM / Helsinki, Finland / Est. 1976
Réseau panlatin de terminologie / Milan, Italy / Est. 1993
International Association of Conference Translators / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 1962
Federative International Programme for Anatomical Terminology / New Orleans LA, USA / Est. 1989
International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature / Singapore, Singapore / Est. 1895
International Society for Phylogenetic Nomenclature

View all profiles (68 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations

World Problems relating to Nomenclature

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Inefficiencies of federalism among states
Terminological deception
Restrictive commercialization of definitions
Disadvantageous terms for technology transfer
Failure to to observe contractual terms of payments
Politicization of health standards
Inadequacy and insensitivity of intelligence testing

Action Strategies relating to Nomenclature

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Promoting international standardization of geographical nomenclature
Coordinating standardization of social data
Improving terms of trade, aid and lending for developing countries
Defining post-Cold War Era in terms of sustainability
Standardizing nomenclature
Purchasing technological patents for transfer on non-commercial terms
Disseminating information on technology safety and accessibility
Ensuring new and additional resources for environmental funding on grant and concessional terms
Encouraging scientists to remain in their own countries
Classifying woods
Freeing religious dogma of obsolete terminology
Developing internationally agreed environmental terminology
Researching futures
Delineating explicit codification
Describing basic education structures
Designing job descriptions
Considering worker capability
Improving usability of technical products
Enshrining law
Writing role descriptions
Developing phase descriptions
Deepening biological value descriptions
Describing long-term impacts of chemical and biological warfare

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