Global civil society activity in Rabat, Morocco

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Meetings Statistics

From UIA's International Meetings Statistics Report

20 years

Rabat is ranked #212 over a 20 year period,
with 193 meetings since 2004.


Rabat is ranked #190 for 2023, with 7 meetings.

Organizations based in Rabat

Fédération des consultants africains et arabes Est. 2009

Conférence Maghrébine des Responsables des Établissements d'Enseignement Supérieur Est. 2013

Arab Maghreb Union Est. 1989

Ministerial Conference on Fisheries Cooperation Among African States Bordering the Atlantic Ocean Est. 1989

Institute of African Studies, Rabat Est. 1987

Centre for Strategic Studies, Rabat Est. 1987

Euro-Mediterranean Centre on Evaluation and Prevention of Seismic Risk Est. 1995

Near East Plant Protection Organization

Association femmes et jeunesse dans l'environnement maghrébin Est. 1992

Executive Secretariat of the Middle East and North Africa Economic Summit Est. 1995

ICOM Regional Alliance for Arab Countries

Centre régional africain des sciences et technologies de l'espace en langue française /Affilié à l'Organisation des nations unies/ Est. 1998

Missionalis Societas Sancti Pauli Est. 1900

Association marocaine d'études et de recherches internationales

Institut d'études et de recherches pour l'arabisation Est. 1960

Collectif 95 Maghreb égalité Est. 1992

Middle East and North Africa Economic Summit Est. 1994

National Council of Arab Culture Est. 1982

Ecole des sciences de l'information

Arab Forum for Primary Health Care and Community Based Rehabilitation Est. 1995

Editions arabo-africaines

Conférence des évêques de la région du Nord de l'Afrique Est. 1967

Arabization Coordination Bureau Est. 1961

African Geographers' Association Est. 1981

Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Est. 1982

View More profiles (35 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations

Future Events in Rabat

2025 Forum of SociologyInternational Sociological Association

2025 International Geodetic Student Meeting (IGSM)International Geodetic Students Organization

View More Future Events (2 total) in The International Congress Calendar

Past Events in Rabat

2024 International Congress on Nitrogen Fixation (ICNF) – International Congress on Nitrogen Fixation
2024 Annual Session – African Training and Research Centre in Administration for Development
2024 Regional Conference for Africa – Food and Agriculture Organization of the United NationsFAO Regional Office for Africa
2024 Global Evaluation Forum – International Organisation for Cooperation in EvaluationEvalPartners
2024 African Conference on Sexual Health and Rights – African Conference on Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights and Family Well-being
2023 Executive Council Session – Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
2023 Middle East-North Africa Regional Conference – Academy of International Business
2023 Pan Arab Regional Congress – International Committee of Military Medicine
2023 Biennial General Assembly – International Music Council
2023 AES - Africa Economic Symposium – Policy Center For The New South
2023 Annual General Meeting – International ISBN Agency
2023 APSACO - African Peace and Security Annual Conference – Policy Center For The New South
2023 Annual Session – African Training and Research Centre in Administration for Development
2022 Conference – African Society of Human Genetics
2022 Session – Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage
2022 Maghrebian Regional Congress – International Committee of Military Medicine
2022 Southern European and Northern Africa Forum (SENA) – Organisation Internationale des Scénographes, Techniciens et Architectes de Théâtre
2022 Science, Technology and Innovation Under Ever Changing Global Events – Islamic World Academy of Sciences
2022 Annual International Conference – World Association for Sustainable Development
2022 IASIA Conference – International Institute of Administrative Sciences
2022 IASIA Conference – International Association of Schools and Institutes of AdministrationUnited Cities and Local Governments of Africa
2022 Congress – Africa Union of Architects
2022 African Regional Assembly – Assemblée parlementaire de la Francophonie
2022 AIRMAP Conference – Association Internationale de Recherche en Management Public
2022 Congress – Pan Arab Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition

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